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Welcome to Year 1 Miss Tracey. An open door policy… My door is always open – before and after school. Please feel free to ask if you are unsure of anything.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 Miss Tracey. An open door policy… My door is always open – before and after school. Please feel free to ask if you are unsure of anything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 Miss Tracey

2 An open door policy… My door is always open – before and after school. Please feel free to ask if you are unsure of anything or would like some advice or support. Email: s90htracey@ss-m-and- m.solihull.sch.uks90htracey@ss-m-and-

3 Year 1 * Growing up – we encourage the children to become more independent by taking care of their own property and by attempting work with less support. Please put names in everything * Monitors for jobs around the class *Independent activities rather than free choice

4 Creative Curriculum Autumn – All About Me (History/Science) Spring - Life on Earth (Science) Summer – The Local Area (Geography)

5 Targets There are individual targets for each child which you can work on at home. If ever you would like some help on how to do so – please do ask. Maths Literacy - Reading - Writing Personal

6 Homework Reading Books Spellings – based on daily phonic lessons. Literacy and Numeracy No Pressure!

7 Helping your child with spellings. Look, say, cover, write, check. Sounding out – revisit each sound. Daily practice works best for long term memory (5 mins per night). Recap ‘old’ spellings. Try putting words into sentences to extend children. Check they spell learnt words correctly in future work.

8 Helping your child with writing. Encourage children to sound out words they don’t know how to spell. Correct backwards letters but don’t make an issue. Remind children about Capital Letters and full stops. Practice letters children get mixed up on – usually d, b, p and numbers.

9 Helping your child with reading. Encourage your child to point to the words as they read. Sound out unfamiliar words – encourage children to look at the pictures to help them. Talk about the story – What do they think might happen next? What did they like/dislike about the story? Who were the characters? Where did the story take place?

10 Helping your child with Maths. Make it easy going – whilst your having your tea, walking to school etc. Link to real life – money, shopping, meal times, around the home. Ask children HOW they have done things – encourage explanations.

11 Mathletics and Reading Eggspress Both websites are extremely valuable at helping your child make good progress with their learning, Children have their own log in which is in their planner. Some weeks Numeracy Homework will be set as a Mathletics activity. Please let us know if you do not have internet access.

12 Across Key Stage 1 and 2, for all levels of ability: Pupils who achieved 10,000 points (equivalent to 10 certificates) last year made on average 24% more progress than those who achieved less than 5,000 points. Pupils who achieved over 25,000 points (roughly one certificate per fortnight) made on average 38% more progress than those who hardly used it at all. Mathletics makes a difference!

13 Phonics Screening Test Takes place week beginning 15th June. Each child will be asked to read a list of words some real and some made up which are “alien” words. I will go into more detail as the year progresses about this test particularly on our inspire workshop day.

14 What needs to be in school… Planners Reading Books (Tuesday and Friday) PE kits and pumps (Wednesday) Swimming equipment (Thursday) Homework folder (Friday – Thursday) Spelling book (Friday- Friday) Water bottle

15 Important Dates….(so far) Subject to Change Friday 17 th October – Harvest Festival 22 nd and 23 rd October- Parents Evening 9 th /10 th December – KS1 nativity 17 th March- Inspire workshop 27 th April – Class Assembly

16 Other Information School website – info, links Twitter @stmandmprimary

17 Any questions?

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