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Nationalist Revolutions: Latin America, Italy, Germany

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1 Nationalist Revolutions: Latin America, Italy, Germany
Nationalism Creoles Realpolitik

2 Nationalism Definition: The belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history Unification Separation

3 Pros and Cons PROS CONS Overcome differences Overthrow colonial rule
Democratic nations Competition spurs advancement CONS Forced assimilation into a majority Ethnic Cleansing Competition leads to warfare

4 Revolutions in Latin America
Creoles: Spanish born in Latin America Least persecuted and most educated! Inspire by Enlightenment and Revolutions No loyalty to the new king of Spain (placed there by Napoleon) so they rebelled.

5 Simon Bolivar Led by Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin, two Creole generals United Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, and Ecuador into a country called Gran Columbia

6 Simon Bolivar Take a moment to read the Letter written by Simon Bolivar Highlight any words you do not know Put a star next to important points or concepts Put a question mark next to confusing parts Look at each of the Statements made about the Letter and follow the directions at the top of the page

7 Mexican Independence Led mostly by Mestizos and Indians
Inspired by Enlightenemnt Miguel Hidalgo: “Grito de Dolores” Defeated until Creoles joined the cause

8 Nationalism: Italy Unification:
As old empires crumbled Italy was not content to live under foreign rulers BRAINS: Cavour-skillful diplomat made alliances to unite the North of Italy SWORD: Garibaldi- fought to unite the South

9 Nationalism: Germany Unification led by Otto Von Bismarck
Realpolitik= politics of reality “issues of the day will be decided by blood and iron” 1st step= United with Austria to win territory from Denmark 2nd step=Start conflict with Austria to win more territory 3rd step=convince Southern territories to join Germany by provoking war with France and winning!!

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