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I hope you enjoy your day.

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Presentation on theme: "I hope you enjoy your day."— Presentation transcript:

1 I hope you enjoy your day.
Our Chief Executive, Bill Maxwell….

2 CLD Plans Created to meet the requirements of the CLD Regulations 2013, each local authority has been working with both partners and communities to assess need and create a three year plan for CLD in the area. You can view the published plans here. Education Scotland, CLD Managers Scotland, CLD Standards Council, Youth Scotland, YouthLink Scotland, Scottish Community Development Centre and Learning Link Scotland are working in partnership to look across the published plans and draw out key national priorities and areas of interest. The group will publish an interim report in January and final report by the end of March 2016.

3 CLD Plans This task to look at the content of the plans will be complemented by Her Majesty’s Inspectors within Education Scotland carrying out a review focusing on the process to meet the requirements of the CLD Regulations. Sometimes known as an Aspect review, this will form part of the inspection work carried out and will aim to publish by the end of the summer 2016.

4 CLD Plans National/ social priorities Mentioned by all but one: ‘community empowerment’, ‘health’ Mentioned by over 80%: ‘prevention/ative’, ‘employability’ Mentioned by over 70%: ‘community development’, ‘Adult Learning Statement of Ambition’ Mentioned by over 60%: ‘National Youth Work Strategy’, ‘older people’, ‘welfare reform’, ‘poverty’, ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ Mentioned by over 50%: ‘Attainment’ Mentioned by over 40%: ‘Early Years Collaborative’ Mentioned by 18% (5): ‘social justice’

5 Partnership Structures – from CLD plans
12 (-) have existing CLD Partnerships or similar 6 (+) have established them for or during process 6 state in plan that they will establish a group 3 have no indication of such arrangements (1 has three separate ‘strand’ groups) Most report direct to CPP or to one of its main groups (or across all of them) Some adding CLD to existing CP groups Aberdeenshire Plan

6 Themes across policies
Importance of partnership working Holistic services Professional Learning Learner Voice "If you want to know how the shoe fits, ask the person who is wearing it, not the one who made it."

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