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The South.

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1 The South

2 GEOGRAPHY Fertile Soil Large Plantations Mild Winters

3 Majority small farmers
POPULATION Small Majority small farmers 16% owned slaves 32% were slaves

4 - Cotton -Livestock and Lumber -Tobacco, Rice, and sugar cane ECONOMY
Capital invested in Agriculture Dependent on the North for manufacturing - Cotton -Tobacco, Rice, and sugar cane -Livestock and Lumber

5 Cotton Gin (invented by a Northerner)
TECHNOLOGY Limited technology Cotton Gin (invented by a Northerner) Some small mills and factories

6 Few connecting waterways A few major ports Poor Roads
TRANSPORTATION Few Railroads Few connecting waterways A few major ports Charleston, New Orleans Poor Roads

7 Mostly one religion: Protestant (mostly Anglicans and Baptists)
CULTURE A genteel society (based on Medieval Europe) Education only for the elite Class System Slavery and Slave Codes Widespread communities Mostly one religion: Protestant (mostly Anglicans and Baptists)

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