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Expansion in the Pacific

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1 Expansion in the Pacific
America and the World Expansion in the Pacific

2 Bell Ringer Map 1 – pg. R34 Color in all of the states that were admitted by 1900. All other states need to have a separate color. Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii Map 2 Color in the following: Japan China Philippines Cuba

3 Objective Identify events and people central to the transformation of the United States into a world power.

4 Expansion into the Pacific
The Monroe Doctrine defined U.S. foreign policy Manifest Destiny starts in the U.S. and gives way to larger dreams Growing industrial economy leads to new markets U.S. secures economic future through expansionism

5 Imperialism Need for markets Need for raw materials Desire for power
Desire for prestige

6 Why Imperialism??? Henry Cabot Lodge Alfred Thayer Mahan Ideologies
Maintain economic/military strength Alfred Thayer Mahan Duty to spread gov’t. and religion Ideologies Nationalism Cultural Superiority

7 Imperialism Japan Hawaii Cuba Puerto Rico China Latin America Mexico

8 Acquiring Hawaii Sugar draws American investments
Equal agreement, Pearl Harbor, Bayonet Constitution, Hawaiian League Sanford B. Dole establishes gov’t. Hawaii 1898 = annexed 1900 = territory 1959 = state

9 U.S. Involvement in China
Sphere of Influence allows U.S. to gain some control John Hay fights for Open Door Policy Resentment of foreigners seen in Boxer Rebellion Japan becomes a modern world power

10 Review Why did many support expansionism?
What events led to the annexation of Hawaii? How did the Open Door Policy affect U.S. trade with China? How did the U.S. help Japan become a world power?

11 America and the World War with Spain

12 Objective

13 Conflict in Cuba Jose Marti encourages revolt, becomes a martyr

14 The U.S. Reacts Revolution provides Cuba some sympathy
Hearst gives America a reason to support the war

15 War with Spain Roosevelt and the Rough Riders claim victory in Cuba

16 Uproar over the Philippines
What is done with the Philippines?

17 Review

18 Expansion in Latin America
America and the World Expansion in Latin America

19 Objective

20 Governing Cuba and Puerto Rico
Military gov’t intended to restore order Cuba becomes a U.S. protectorate Puerto Rico becomes a commonwealth

21 The Panama Canal What is the purpose???
U.S. is given a 99 year lease for canal Revolt provides a new treaty Yellow fever impacts the workers Given back to the people of Panama in 1999

22 Relations with Latin America
Apply Monroe Doctrine to protect U.S. interests Roosevelt Corollary “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” Dollar Diplomacy “Substituting dollars for bullets.”

23 Review

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