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2014 February DAC Meetings KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 February DAC Meetings KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 February DAC Meetings KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013

2 Agenda A Quick Look to the Future College/Career Readiness Hot Topics
ACT Compass KYOTE Career Readiness A Quick Look to the Future RFI Fall 2014 Reporting CIITS Hot Topics Test Security/Data Quality Accountability SDRR K-PREP Text-Reader Accommodation Alternate K-PREP KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013

3 Hot Topics Increased emphasis on “getting the rosters right” to support data quality. Data returned from vendors should match roster information. At the end of data review, students remaining on the roster, without an approved exemption or a score from the vendor, will have a zero score applied in reporting. For End of Course, KDE will add two review steps before loading data into SDRR rosters. 12/29/2018

4 Hot Topics Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations regulations are under revision for next school year. The 2009 versions are still effective for spring 2014. Time chart for K-PREP grades 3-8 is revised slightly. In 2014, no field testing in mathematics has reduced testing time. DAC/BAC manual has complete time chart. Each TAM has appropriate grade-based chart. ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS Administration Code for Kentucky’s Educational Assessment Program (703 KAR 5:080) dated September 2009 and Inclusion of Special Populations in the State-Required Assessment and Accountability Programs (703 KAR 5:070) dated February 2009 are still effective and have not changed. These regulations continue to govern administration of assessments in Kentucky’s accountability program. Annual training required for test administrators and proctors MUST use these 2009 regulations. Terminology used in the current Kentucky assessment programs differs from some terminology used during the creation of 2009 regulations. However, the procedures and requirements of the regulation remain consistent. Terminologies (e.g., portfolio, floppy disk, CATS) no longer used in the current programs have been deemphasized in the most recent training materials provided by the Office of Assessment and Accountability. Regulations are Kentucky law and follow a time-intensive legal process to be revised. Regulations are rarely re-opened to update minor terminology changes. Statement issued by the Division of Support and Research (DSR), Office of Assessment and Accountability, Kentucky Department of Education on February 1, If you have questions, please contact DSR by phone at or by at 12/29/2018

5 Hot Topics Text-reader is a new accommodation option for read aloud/reader for K-PREP (Pearson) in grades 3-8. Schools will only return scorable student response booklets to Pearson this year. No void or blank student response booklets. ·        12/29/2018

6 Hot Topics Alternate K-PREP will offer a retest option for the high school Transition Attainment Record (TAR) reported with College/Career Readiness. KDE is providing guidance on applying G-Codes in Infinite Campus for Alternate K-PREP students. ·        12/29/2018

7 Hot Topics ACT will return online End-of-Course scores from paper/pencil testing faster this year (5 days from receipt of answer documents at ACT). ACT will provide a managed system for EOC Computer-Based Tests to control the number of concurrent test-takers. 12/29/2018

8 Hot Topics Dates regarding K-PREP (Pearson) are required Encourage updates in district calendars in Infinite Campus. Shipping Windows to Pearson Testing Windows to KDE 5 consecutive days in the last 14 instructional days May vary by level (E, M, H) or be a single window for all Used to verify accountability dates (1st day of 5 day window) and site visits Due to Maranda Perkins (March 1) Option #1:   4/15 – 5/2 IC pull 2/17. Materials by 3/31. Option #2: 5/5 – 5/16 IC pull 3/3. Materials by 4/14. Option #3:  5/19 – 6/2 IC pull 3/17. Materials by 4/28. Entered in PearsonAccess. PEARSONACCESS TO OPEN PearsonAccess is the online connection to Pearson products and services for the Spring 2014 Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) assessments. In preparation for the Spring 2014 K-PREP testing (grades 3-8 and high school writing), PearsonAccess will open on January 13. However, districts and schools are strongly encouraged to participate in one of the above-mentioned LYNC sessions, in order to obtain important spring 2014 K-PREP information, prior to logging into PearsonAccess. Within PearsonAccess, districts and schools will be able to: View student enrollment counts for K-PREP (grades 3-8, 10 and 11) Order accommodated testing materials (Braille, large-print, audio CD, and text reader CD) Update district and school profiles (addresses, Building Assessment Coordinators) Choose an option to have district test materials delivered.  When choosing a delivery option, please refer to your district calendar so as not to choose a date that will interfere with spring break. COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TEST WINDOW(S) AND LAST 14 INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS Kentucky legislation established the spring test window within the last 14 instructional days of the district’s modified calendar.  With many possible windows, OAA asks all DACs to complete a K-PREP Spring 2014 Test Window Survey. Beginning next week, Maranda Perkins will a survey to each DAC individually to begin this collection process. The survey will be due to OAA by March 3, After the initial submission of the survey, DACs may make changes if your district calendar changes due to inclement weather or other issues. Maranda will walk you through the process of resubmitting a new survey form. If you have questions, please contact our office at or by at

9 Test Security and Data Quality
Key assessment themes require the focus of schools, districts and the state 12/29/2018

10 Key Assessment Themes TEST SECURITY—checks and processes to monitor appropriate administration of state-required tests DATA QUALITY—collaborative process between OAA and school/district staff to ensure accurate reporting of test results 12/29/2018

11 Test Security Continues to be a critical issue in Kentucky and nationally. Loss of certification for Kentucky educators emphasizes the seriousness of the issue. OAA implements and monitors the recommendations from Kentucky’s security audit. Increased analysis of test results for irregularities and triggers for follow up from KDE’s allegations coordinator. 12/29/2018

12 Test Security: Local Requirements
Training Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations (2009 versions) Signatures Student Honor Code Appropriate Practices Form and Administration Code DAC/BAC testing certification Documentation of Testing Seating charts (all required tests) Testing room location codes (K-PREP Pearson) DAC and BAC Testing Certification forms will be sent in a DAC Monday . 12/29/2018

13 Test Security: Training
New DAC Training Test Security: Training KDE:OAA: DSR: 8/7/2012 Requires annual training on regulations Administration Code Inclusion Regulation Administration Code 703 KAR 5:080 Inclusion of Special Populations 703 KAR 5:070 All persons involved with testing in any way Anyone assisting with testing accommodations Requires signature to confirm individual has read, understands and will abide by document Documentation of training required (who, what, when, where and how) KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013

14 Test Security: Signatures
Appropriate Practices Form Student Honor Code The Student Honor Code is new for BACs need to make test administrators aware of this new code. Specific directions are provided in the scripts of the TAMs. 12/29/2018

15 Test Security: Signatures
Certification Form DACs and BACs from KDE/OAA Available on KDE website Completed at end of year to reflect all required testing in the school year DACs collect from BACs KDE collects from DACs DAC and BAC Testing Certification forms will be sent in a DAC Monday . Copies are included in the meeting materials. 12/29/2018

16 Test Security: Documentation of Testing
Seating Charts are required for all state-required test administrations. optional tests that are included in accountability if the test is administered by the school. Seating Chart— Large group KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013

17 Test Security: Documentation of Testing
DAC will collect and maintain in case of potential investigations. Templates are provided by KDE and may be modified at the local level. Seating Chart— Chart—Small group & individual students KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013

18 Test Security: Documentation of Testing
Collection of testing room location codes on each Student Response Booklet allows security data analysis at the room level. KDE:OAA:DSR: 12/16/2013

19 Test Security: State Monitoring
Test window visits Review of seating charts Collection of DAC certification forms Review/audit of randomly collected AAA Folders for alternate assessment students Analysis of outlier test results by Office of Education Accountability Analysis by vendors (i.e., erasure and others) Pearson has hired Caveon to performance data analysis 12/29/2018

20 Test Security: State Monitoring
Analysis by vendor can produce multiple types of information/reports at room, school or district levels. Erasure analysis (Right (R) to Wrong (W), RTR, WTR) Large score changes for a student Large mean score increases Probability of matched response analysis Previous year’s distribution around scores Pattern analysis Comparison of individual student scores by item type Analysis can trigger/identify schools and districts for follow up with Allegations Coordinator. Examples of possible reports and analysis are listed. 12/29/2018

21 Test Security Reporting of Allegations
Get the facts straight. Record the date and time of the incident. List all involved (i.e., staff, volunteers, students). Identify content area and test parts impacted. Identify specific content question(s), if applicable. Record what you learn. Report the incident. 12/29/2018

22 Test Security Reporting of Allegations
Support Documents Testing Allegation Reporting Form Notarized Statements written and signed by each individual involved (teacher, proctor, BAC, principal and/or others). One statement signed by multiple individuals is not acceptable. Testing Schedule Seating Chart and Room Number 12/29/2018

23 Test Security Reporting of Allegations
Support Documents Verification of Administration Code Training Verify/Proctor Signature Sheet Nondisclosure Agreement (classified/volunteers) Student Name & SSID For an allegation involving special education: verification of student test accommodation(s). verification of Inclusion of Special Populations training. a signed copy of the Code of Ethics, record of testing room and test administrator for allegations regarding alternate assessment. 12/29/2018

24 Key Assessment Themes TEST SECURITY—checks and processes to monitor appropriate administration of state-required tests DATA QUALITY—collaborative process between OAA and school/district staff to ensure accurate reporting of test results 12/29/2018

25 Data Quality The authoritative source of student data in Kentucky is the state student data system, Infinite Campus (IC). Data are downloaded from IC for vendors and to populate internal applications (i.e., SDRR). Accountability change requests made to OAA are cross-checked with Infinite Campus. 12/29/2018

26 Data Quality Keys to Improved Data Matching
Correct entry of student information in IC is critical (name, date of birth and SSID). Consistently use the student’s name as it appears in IC on all testing records. State-testing programs are provided SSIDs. 12/29/2018

27 Data Quality KDE/OAA Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) Application, organized by test, has two critical data accuracy functions: Rosters Required by regulation Testing information for some tests Accountability record for all grades 3-12 (Grade 9 is needed for ACT Plan and grade 12 is needed for College/Career Readiness reporting.) Data Review (cleanup before reporting) 12/29/2018

28 Data Quality Get the Rosters Right = INCLUDE on Roster REMOVE
Accurate Accountability Reporting Get the Rosters Right = INCLUDE on Roster Tested students with scorable documents returned to vendor Not tested students: 1) With non-participation exemption (Extraordinary or Medical) 2) Who should have tested, but did not REMOVE from Roster Not tested students that have withdrawn from the school For End of Course: Not tested students that are still completing coursework 12/29/2018

29 Data Quality Accurate Accountability Reporting Get the Rosters Right = Students left on roster, after data review, without an approved exemption or test score, will be included in reporting as a zero (0) score. 12/29/2018

30 Data Quality Get the Rosters Right =
Accurate Accountability Reporting Get the Rosters Right = For End of Course, OAA will add two-phase review before loading rosters to SDRR. (spreadsheet process) Show enrollment counts by state course code so districts have an opportunity to fix their course codes in IC.  (mid/late February) Collect which EOC courses by school to load to SDRR for rosters. (late March)  12/29/2018

31 KDE State Course Codes All Course Codes Associated with EOC Tests
Biology English II Life Science/Biology 1 Biology II Biochemistry Microbiology Ecology IB Environmental Systems Pre-IB Biology IB Biology 2 IB Biology 3 AP Biology AgriBiology Agriscience Intro Biology with Earth/Space Science Astrobiology Integrated Science I Integrated Science II Integrated Science III Honors Biology (newly added) Medical Science (newly added) English 2 Pre-IB English 2 Algebra II Algebra 2 U.S. History District/school Review Process U.S. History Survey United States History, Reconstruction to the Present AP American History Course used for required credit and EOC tests loaded into SDRR Within the Infinite Campus system, it is very important high schools are using the KDE State Course Codes in classes students are required to take the end-of-course exam. KDE will provide student information to ACT using these course codes. In the spring, EOC rosters will be populated in SDRR with students identified in these state course codes. If the state course codes are not used, there will be tremendous work on the DAC or BAC to populate the EOC rosters. Please work with the counselor at the high school to identify the courses that require an EOC exam and verify these state course codes are being used within IC. The Student Bulk Roster Registration Ad Hoc will pull from students enrolled in the State Course Codes.

32 Data Quality Get the Rosters Right = Accurate Accountability Reporting
Show enrollment counts by state course code Includes all course codes for 4 areas associated with required EOC tests. Provides district opportunity to fix course codes in IC. Is a course missing? Does a course incorrectly have no students? 12/29/2018

33 Data Quality Get the Rosters Right = Accurate Accountability Reporting
Collect course codes to load into SDRR. (late March) New Column in Phase 2 Load course code to SDRR Yes or Blank District must submit a single spreadsheet with new column (Yes). No action by district will default to load all courses in SDRR. In SDRR, add or delete students to correct. 12/29/2018

34 Data Quality Importance of Rosters Clean Rosters in Spring
*Longer roster window means more time for work. *Flexible routine changes include student add or delete. *Demographic changes made directly in Infinite Campus. *Better availability of school staff to assist. Easier Data Review and Cleanup in August *Data review changes require documentation and KDE approval. *Data review goal is small number of changes—”ones or twos”. Accurate Data for Public Release 12/29/2018

35 Accountability Rules How to determine whether students are in a school’s accountability report 12/29/2018

36 Accountability Rules Tested Accountable
Every student enrolled on the first day of the 5-day spring summative test window must be tested for participation rate purposes. Accountable Accountability determined by full academic year (any 100 instructional days of enrollment). The first day of the 5- day spring summative test window is included in the 100 day count. 12/29/2018

37 1st day of the 5-day Summative Test Window
Accountability Rules The first day of K-PREP five-day spring summative window (in the last 14 instructional days of the district calendar) is the point in time where the 100 days of enrollment (full academic year) is determined. April-June K-PREP (Pearson) 1st day of the 5-day Summative Test Window Across Year K-PREP EOC Grade 12 CCR March ACT Nov-Dec April-May Alternate K-PREP September EXPLORE PLAN The 100-days count is from the first day of the five day consecutive test window(s). 12/29/2018

38 Accountability Rules Remember, the 100 day rule (i.e., full academic year) to determine student accountability is used with four of the five components of Next-Generation Learners (i.e., Achievement, Gap, Growth and College/Career Readiness (rate) reporting. The fifth component Graduation Rate does NOT use the 100 day rule. The 100 day count ends on the 1st day of the 5-day summative spring test window. 12/29/2018

39 Accountability Terms for Schools
“A1” means a school under administrative control of a principal and eligible to establish a school-based decision-making council. “A1” school is not an alternative program operated by, or as a part of, another school. “Alternative” program means all other education programs not classified as A1. 12/29/2018

Flowchart for Determining Accountability For Students in A1 Schools Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) Every student enrolled on the first day of the five-day spring summative test window is tested for participation rate purposes. Accountability is determined by full academic year (any 100 days of enrollment) including the first day of the five-day window. START NO NO Has this student not been in any one school but has been enrolled in a district for 100 instructional days this school year? NO Has this student been enrolled in another school for 100 instructional days this school year? Has this student been enrolled in this school for 100 instructional days this school year? Student scores will count in state’s accountability only. YES YES YES Student scores will count in this school’s accountability. Student scores will count in other school’s accountability. Student scores will count in district’s accountability. 12/29/2018

41 Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP)
Flowchart for Determining Accountability For Students in Alternative Programs Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) Was the student who is in an alternative program enrolled in an A1 school in a district for 100 days this school year ? (Note: The 100 day count includes the first day of the five-day spring summative test window.) START: YES NO Was student placed by a governmental agency or the court system? Accountable to A1 school Accountable to A1 school where the student would have attended if not enrolled in the alternative program(s) or to district (if student would have attended multiple A1 schools). Was the student enrolled 100 days in the A1(or multiple A1s in a district) and alternative program(s) combined or in the alternative program(s) only? NO YES NO YES Accountable to the state Note: A student at Kentucky School for the Blind, Kentucky School for the Deaf or Gatton Academy tracks back to the A1 school that he or she would have attended if not in the alternative program.

42 ALTERNATIVE Program Scenarios
Applying the Accountability Rules 12/29/2018

43 SDRR Student Data Review and Rosters Application KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

44 Work in SDRR 2014 Data Review 2014 Spring Rosters ACCESS – (EL)
2012 February DAC Meetings Work in SDRR 2014 Data Review ACT Explore (Feb.) ACT Plan (Feb.) The ACT Alternate K-PREP K-PREP End-of-Course (QualityCore) K-PREP (3-8, 10,11) College/Career Ready Data ACT Compass The ACT (includes National Tests) KYOTE ACT WorkKeys KOSSA ASVAB Industry Cert. 2014 Spring Rosters ACCESS – (EL) The ACT – Grade 11 K-PREP – Grades (3-12) Pearson QualityCore- End-of-Course (EOC) Training opportunities for SDRR Rosters and Data Reviews will be announced in a DAC Monday . TEDS K-PREP End-of-Course will have a separate roster in SDRR. Non-participation for EOC will be submitted on the specific EOC test for that grade. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

45 Rosters KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

46 Accountability Rule – 100 Days
2012 February DAC Meetings Test Name Grade(s) 100 Days as of … EXPLORE 8 Spring 2013 PLAN 10 The ACT 11 Spring 2014 K-PREP Window K-PREP 3-8, 10,11 Alternate K-PREP 3-12 END-OF-COURSE High School Algebra II Biology English ll U.S. History 100 days as of the first day of your 5-day testing window KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

47 New Features in SDRR Connection of SDRR to IC
Home Page: Information and Student Changes, List of Tasks No Separate Ticket Listing (Now called Change Requests) Moved From Icons To Text Features “Locked” Label-Submitting Accountability and Non-Participation Changes Creation of a Sandbox for training Edit Change Request (in development) KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

48 Demographic Changes are made in IC
Rosters in SDRR Assessment Opens Closes Fields/Comments The ACT Feb. 24 March 27 (New Change Requests) April 3 (Final) Non-participation, Accommodations, Accountability(done with Spring Rosters) K-PREP Pearson April 21 June 13 (New Change Requests) June 20 (Final) Accommodations used on test collected (IEP, EL/LEP) with a yes/no option, Non-participation, Accountability and Annotations K-PREP EOC (English ll, Algebra ll, U.S. History, Biology) Alternate K-PREP College and Career Readiness 9th Grade (For Fall 2014 Plan) Accountability ALL DATES TENTATIVE Demographic Changes are made in IC Annotations are for district-use only. Everything is organized by test in SDRR. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

49 Fields to Change in… Infinite Campus SDRR Annotations Accountability
Name Grade SSID DOB Gender Race/Ethnicity Lunch IEP EL/LEP Annotations Accountability Non-participation Accommodations If IC change is not reflected in SDRR within 24 hours, contact KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

50 OAA will be unable to assist with IC questions.
Infinite Campus Questions regarding fields coming from IC must be submitted to the Enterprise Data – KSIS Team at OAA will be unable to assist with IC questions. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

51 IEP Field (Helpful Hints)
Correcting the IEP field in Infinite Campus Make certain the student has a current Individualized Educational Program (IEP) Make certain that the IEP is locked If IC change is not reflected in SDRR within 24 hours, contact Most information during rostering is changed in Infinite Campus rather than SDRR – including Name, SSID, Date of Birth, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IEP and Lunch Status. If information that has been updated in IC is not reflected in SDRR within 24 hours, please the Enterprise Data–KSIS team at providing detailed information, and they will assist you. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

52 EL/LEP Field (Helpful Hints)
Correcting the EL/LEP field in Infinite Campus: Mark the student as LEP Home Language other than English:0400 Mark at least one instructional accommodation Mark at least one program services type (cannot be declined services) If IC change is not reflected in SDRR within 24 hours, contact Most information during rosters is changed in Infinite Campus rather than SDRR – including Name, SSID, Date of Birth, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IEP, EL/LEP, and Lunch Status. If information that has been updated in IC is not reflected in SDRR within 24 hours, please the Enterprise Data–KSIS team at providing detailed information, and they will assist you. The program services type has to be SEI- Sheltered English Immersion if parents decline services. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

53 pre-populated from Infinite Campus
2012 February DAC Meetings K-PREP Rosters Some data is pre-populated from Infinite Campus Verify student enrollment in grades 3-12 Include all students enrolled as of the first day of the testing window Change requests created for: Non-Participation Students – First Year EL/LEP, Medical, Extraordinary Circumstances, Foreign Exchange, Withdrew/Expelled During the Testing Window Accountability Save an electronic version of all rosters Verifying and updating student rosters for reporting purposes: Students who are participating in the Alternate K-PREP should be included on the roster and designated as Alternate Assessment. Students for whom a non-participation has been requested should be included on the roster. Annotate the roster for students who move during the testing window. Create a Change Request for: Medical Non-Participation Extraordinary Circumstances Non-participation First Year EL/LEP Change of Accountability Foreign KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

54 ACT Explore/Plan Data Review Process
KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

55 Prioritizing Your Data Review
Schools and districts may review all available student information. OAA encourages focus on these priorities. Step 1 Accountability (Priority One) Confirm your 100 day students that will contribute to your district or school accountability. Change any non-100 day students that should be removed from your accountability to the correct school/district/state accountability. Step 2 Demographics (Priority Two) Check free-reduced lunch and students with disability status (IEP), since these have potential to change over time. Confirm ethnicity and race categories. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

56 Two Sides of Data Review
Change Listing Student Listing Use to check Accountability Demographics Use to Update information about change requests Close change requests opened in error Check change request status Check and correct the accountability and demographics through the student listing. Use the data review change listing to update information about requested changes, close change requests opened in error and to check change request status. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

57 ACT Explore/Plan Data Review
Change in SDRR Send to KDE Name State Student ID (SSID) Date of Birth (DOB) Gender Race Ethnicity Non-participation Accountability IEP EL/LEP Lunch (Free/Reduced) Accommodations Tested Location ACT Explore/Plan Data Review opened in January and will close in February Check and correct the accountability and demographics through the student listing. Use the data review change listing to update information about requested changes, close change requests opened in error and to check change request status. No lithocode numbers are collected. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/6/2014

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