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GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]"— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Review of the Middle Ages

2 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Fall of Rome Political corruption Economic problem - inflation - unemployment - cost of empire Military decline Loss of morale Barbarian invasions

3 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Byzantine Empire 500 AD - - -> 1450 AD Constantinople Eastern Roman Empire Orthodox (Christian) Religion Trade Preserves Greek & Roman learning

4 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]

5 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Ottoman Empire > 1918 AD - Seljuk Turks Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) - Balkan Peninsula - Saudi Arabia to Northern Africa * Islamic + Arabic * “Suleiman the Magnificent”

6 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]

7 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
The CRUSADES GOAL: reclaim the Holy Land for Jesus RESULT: military failure .. Economic success - the Crusades vs the Seljuk Turks [ led by Saladin ] - the Seljuk Turks / Ottoman Empire will control the area until the 1920s - Europeans are exposed to different ideas, foods, etc leads to cultural diffusion - gives rise to the Age of Exploration as Europeans want more .. i.e. Spices

8 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
A major result of the Crusades was the conversion of the majority of Palestinians to Protestantism. increase in the independence of women in Europe and the Middle East growth of trade between Europe and Asia development of theocratic governments in Southern Asia. GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

9 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
A major result of the Crusades was the conversion of the majority of Palestinians to Protestantism. increase in the independence of women in Europe and the Middle East growth of trade between Europe and Asia development of theocratic governments in Southern Asia.

10 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
One way in which Pax Romana and Pax Mongolia are similar is that both were characterized by social equality for men and women unifying religious institutions representative forms of government political stability GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] 10

11 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
One way in which Pax Romana and Pax Mongolia are similar is that both were characterized by social equality for men and women unifying religious institutions representative forms of government political stability GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] PAX = peace … when you have peace … you usually have a peaceful, organized government … 11

12 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
The Crusades helped begin the Renaissance and Age of Exploration because they 1.    brought contact with the ideas and products of other people. 2. created new areas for religious converts 3.    increased the power of the Roman Catholic Church. 4.   freed the Byzantine Empire from Muslim control.

13 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
The Crusades helped begin the Renaissance and Age of Exploration because they 1.    brought contact with the ideas and products of other people. 2. created new areas for religious converts 3.    increased the power of the Roman Catholic Church. 4.   freed the Byzantine Empire from Muslim control. GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

14 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Which two explorers and traders focused on Asia & Africa? 1. Ferdinand Magellan and Matthew Perry 2. Christopher Columbus and Genghis Khan 3. Vasco de Gama and Zheng He 4. Francisco Pizarro and Marco Polo GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

15 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Which two explorers and traders focused on Asia & Africa? 1. Ferdinand Magellan and Matthew Perry 2. Christopher Columbus and Genghis Khan 3. Vasco de Gama and Zheng He 4. Francisco Pizarro and Marco Polo GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

16 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
What is a major contribution of the Byzantine Empire to global history? preservation of Greek and Roman culture construction of the pyramids expansion of equal rights (4) invention of writing

17 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
What is a major contribution of the Byzantine Empire to global history? preservation of Greek and Roman culture construction of the pyramids expansion of equal rights (4) invention of writing

18 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they (1) broke from the Roman Catholic Church (2) helped feudal lords build secure castles (3) instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments (4) determined government policies without the consent of their people GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

19 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they (1) broke from the Roman Catholic Church (2) helped feudal lords build secure castles (3) instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments (4) determined government policies without the consent of their people GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

20 Medieval Europe-Feudalism
GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] Medieval Europe-Feudalism lord provided protection in exchange for loyalty and services of vassal DECENTRALIZED government rigid class system self sufficient manor serfs (poor farmers) similar to Feudalism in Japan: ”Tokugawa” shogun, samurai,peasants

21 Medieval Europe- CHURCH
GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] Medieval Europe- CHURCH Unified people - common religion, sacraments Economic role - Church owned land and collected Educational role - monks in monasteries copied books Built cathedrals Pope powerful-crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor and called for the Crusades

22 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Decline of Feudalism Crusades Impact: New ideas- Arabic, Greek and Roman learning - awareness of other cultures--Renaissance New products( silk,spices, coffee etc.) increased demand --trade--Commercial Revolution-- Exploration Rise in power of kings

GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] RIGID CLASS STRUCTURES EUROPE – Middle Ages King Nobles … landowners (gentry) Knights Farmers / Peasants CHURCH - Pope = King - Bishop = Nobles .. Church controlled education INDIA – Caste System Brahmin .. priests Kshatriya .. Warriors & rulers - Vaisyas .. Merchants - Sudras .. Unskilled workers - Harijans .. “Untouchables” Other similar systems are: - Latin America .. Spanish rule - Japan .. Tokugawa Shogunate

24 Japan’s Tokugawa Shogunate = European Middle Ages
GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] EUROPE – Middle Ages King Nobles … landowners (gentry) Knights Farmers / Peasants CHURCH - Pope = King - Bishop = Nobles .. Church controlled education JAPAN – Tokugawa Shogunate Emperor (no power) - Shogun .. Military general Daimyo .. Nobles … landowners (gentry) Samurai (warriors) Farmers / Peasants - Scholars

25 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Decline of Feudalism Black Death(Bubonic plague) Rats with fleas carried the disease from Asia; entered Europe on trading ships Impact Killed 1/3 of European population Loss of peasant labor-- decline of manors Guilds declined as craftsmen in towns died

26 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by 1. the manor system and the importance of land ownership. 2. absolute monarchies and strong central governments. 3. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life. 4. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East.

27 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by 1. the manor system and the importance of land ownership. 2. absolute monarchies and strong central governments. 3. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life. 4. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East. . . . Feudalism . . . . . . Manorialism . . . . . . Role of CHURCH . . . GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

28 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
In both Europe and Japan, the major reason for the development of the political system shown in the illustration was to 1. eliminate the need for a legal system 2. increase trade and manufacturing in the region 3. consolidate the political power of religious leaders 4. provide order during a period of weak central government 28

29 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
In both Europe and Japan, the major reason for the development of the political system shown in the illustration was to 1. eliminate the need for a legal system 2. increase trade and manufacturing in the region 3. consolidate the political power of religious leaders 4. provide order during a period of weak central government The term “decentralized” government … is often used to describe this type of political system 29

30 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Feudalism served a useful purpose during the early Middle Ages because it         1. encouraged universal education                 2. eliminated warfare 3. provided protection and social order          4. created jobs in industry GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

31 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Feudalism served a useful purpose during the early Middle Ages because it         1. encouraged universal education                 2. eliminated warfare 3. provided protection and social order          4. created jobs in industry GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

32 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
A major result of the Crusades was the          1. conversion of the majority of Europeans to Protestantism. 2. weakening of the power of the middle class in Europe. 3. growth of trade between Europe and Asia 4. development of feudalism in Europe.

33 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
A major result of the Crusades was the          1. conversion of the majority of Europeans to Protestantism. 2. weakening of the power of the middle class in Europe. 3. growth of trade between Europe and Asia 4. development of feudalism in Europe.

34 Commercial Revolution
GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] Commercial Revolution Barter System [Feudalism] $ Development of Capitalism $ $ Banks $ - $ Joint Stock Company $ - $ Insurance $ Hanseatic League … northern Europe Crusades - - -> TRADE Italy … Meditereanean trade route $ Mercantilism $

35 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Which statement about capitalism, and laissez-faire economics is most accurate? 1. No one may own private property. 2. The government makes all economic decisions. 3. The main goal of business is to make a profit. 4. Exports are always greater than imports.

36 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Which statement about capitalism, and laissez-faire economics is most accurate? 1. No one may own private property. 2. The government makes all economic decisions. 3. The main goal of business is to make a profit. 4. Exports are always greater than imports. LAISSEZ-FAIRE … government leaves business alone … the market … law of supply & demand will regulate / control business

37 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Which of the following three (3) terms go along with “Commercial”? (1) Agrarian, agriculture & Green Revolution (2) Crusades, Church & Jerusalem (3) totalitarian, absolutism & democracy (4) Trade, Merchant & Capitalism GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

38 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
Which of the following three (3) terms go along with “Commercial”? (1) Agrarian, agriculture & Green Revolution (2) Crusades, Church & Jerusalem (3) totalitarian, absolutism & democracy (4) Trade, Merchant & Capitalism GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD] Commerce deals with $$$ money … economics … owning your own business … making a profit

39 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
What was one result of the Commercial Revolution in Europe? (1) decrease in the size of the middle class (2) expansion of the manor system (3) development of financial institutions (4) wider use of the barter system GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

40 GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC - 2015 AD]
What was one result of the Commercial Revolution in Europe? (1) decrease in the size of the middle class (2) expansion of the manor system (3) development of financial institutions (4) wider use of the barter system GLOBAL HISTORY review [4000 BC AD]

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