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The Road to the Constitution

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1 The Road to the Constitution

2 Background: The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in Each state was asked to send delegates, BUT Rhode Island did not send any representatives because it opposed the ideas of the convention. A total of 55 men attended the convention and George Washington was selected as the President of the convention. Why do you think the delegates chose George Washington to lead the convention?

3 Why was the Constitutional Convention held?
The delegates who attend the Constitutional Convention had intentions of fixing the Articles of Confederation. REVIEW: What are some weaknesses to the Articles of Confederation?

4 CONFLICT: The Virginia Plan The New Jersey Plan
Who proposed this plan? Edmund Randolph (Gov. of VA) What states supported this plan? Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Explain the plan: Wanted representation in Congress to be based on population. The New Jersey Plan Who proposed this plan? William Paterson What states supported the plan? New York, New Jersey, Delaware. Explain the plan: Wanted representation to be equal. Each state would have ONE vote in Congress.

5 COMPROMISE: -The Great Compromise
What is bicameral legislature? A two-house legislature. The houses in the legislature body: House of Representatives Senate How is representation determined in each house? House of Representatives: Population. This pleased states with larger populations. The HOR speaks for the people. Senate: Equal representation. This pleased states with smaller populations. The Senate speaks for the states. Who purposed this compromise? Roger Sherman What state is he from? Connecticut

6 MORE CONFLICT: The Southern states wanted: The Northern states wanted:
Slaves counted as population to determine representation in the HOR. The Southern states opposed counting slaves for the purpose of determining taxation. The Northern states wanted: These states opposed counting slaves as population to determine representation in the HOR. The Northern states favored counting slaves for the purpose of determining taxation.

3/5ths of slaves counted as population in determining representation to the House of Representatives. 3/5ths of slaves would be counted for the purpose of determining taxation.

8 EVEN MORE COMPROMISE: What were the 2 proposals of the election of the president? 1. A vote by congress would elect the president. 2. A popular vote by qualified citizens would elect the president. Which plan would you prefer if you were a citizen in 1787? The compromise the delegates came to is called the Electoral College.

9 What is the Electoral College????
A process by which a selection of electors meet to vote for the President and Vice President. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the president. Each states electors equal one for each member in the House of Representatives PLUS two for your Senators. Why do you think the delegates opted for the electoral college to elect the President?

10 Tell me more about the Electoral College…
How is it possible that the electoral vote is different than the popular vote? It is important to remember that the President is not chosen by the popular vote of the people. The President is determined by the Electoral College. Has this happened before??????? YEP, in the 2000 Presidential election George W. Bush received fewer popular votes than AL Gore, but he did receive a majority of electoral votes. YEP, AGAIN, in the 2016 Presidential election Donald J Trump received fewer popular votes than Hillary Clinton, but received a majority of electoral votes.

11 Wait, what happens if NO presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes???
Well, if no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes the HOR elects the President. Each state delegation has ONE vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President. Each Senator would cast ONE vote for the Vice President.

12 What is the difference in a Federalist and a Anti-Federalist…?
The Federalist wanted a STRONG central government. Federalist favored the ratification of the Constitution. “The Federalist Papers” – Andrew Hamilton The Anti- Federalists wanted the states to have more power over a central government. Anti- Federalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution. Wanted a Bill of Rights to declare and protect the rights of the people.

13 The United States Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787.

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