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BR – Copy and answer the question.

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1 BR – Copy and answer the question.
What is the role of the structure shown here during protein synthesis? mRNA delivers codons from the DNA in the nucleus mRNA attaches to the ribosome rRNA forms ribosomes tRNA transports amino acids from the cytoplasm to the ribosome for translation SWP – trans-? EQ – How does DNA technology affect our lives?

2 Chapter 15 Gene Technologies

3 Biotechnology During the video, write down the different types of biotechnology mentioned. Decide if they could be used in agriculture, medicine, or forensics. Example: Cloning  medicine & agriculture

4 What is selective breeding?
Selective Breeding – breeding organisms with desired traits to produce offspring that will have those traits

5 Selective Breeding Think about all the different breeds of dogs.
All breeds of dogs evolved from one ancestor. Humans have created all the different breeds of dogs by selecting desired traits and breeding dogs with those traits. Huskies are endurance runners. - pull sleds long distances Saint Bernards have keen sense of smell. - good rescue dog German Shepherds are highly trainable. - good for special services

6 Selective Breeding Humans have been selectively breeding organisms for thousands of years. Why? To produce better crops To produce better livestock To produce faster horses

7 What is genetic engineering allowing us to do today?
Instead of breeding the entire organism, scientists choose the specific genes to pass to the offspring. Desired genes are cut and spliced into the new genome by restriction enzymes.

8 Transgenic Organisms Transgenic organisms – organisms that have DNA from another species inserted into its DNA AKA – Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

9 Examples of GMOs Corn and soy beans have genes added from bacteria that allow them to produce an insecticide. Many crops are engineered to grow faster, remain ripe longer, or to be more nutritious. Livestock that produce leaner meats, or milk enhanced with beneficial proteins.

10 Controversy Is it safe? Is it ethical?

11 The Human Genome Project
An international cooperative effort to sequence the entire human genome. 20 labs in 6 countries Scientists worked to find all the genes in human DNA. How might we benefit from this information?

12 Surprising Findings from HGP
Humans have 25,000 genes Scientist expected 120,000. Most human DNA is does not code for proteins. Only about 2%!!! Many human genes are identical to those of other species. All humans are genetically close. 99.9% of all our DNA is identical to everyone else’s!!

13 What can we do with this information?
Diagnosis and prevent diseases Genetic counseling Treat disease. Transgenic bacteria produce medicine like human insulin. Gene therapy – replacing faulty genes using genetically engineered viruses. Identifying individuals. DNA fingerprinting

14 Cloning Clone – an organism (or cell) that is genetically identical to a preexisting organism Clones are produced naturally by asexual reproduction. Dolly, the first cloned animal.

15 Stem Cell Research Stem cell – a cell that can continuously divide and differentiate into various tissues of the body May be used to treat, prevent, or cure diseases. Is it ethical to grow and manipulate human embryos solely for research purposes?

16 How far is too far? Safety Human Rights
What are the long term effects of GM crops? Human Rights Build-a-baby stores??? What if the “wrong” people get this information? Insurance companies??? Hitler II???

17 EQ – How does DNA technology affect our lives?
BR – Copy the DNA strand. Transcribe it to mRNA. Then, translate it to tRNA and amino acids. ATG GCT CAA GTC GCA TGA A mutation occurs and nucleotide #8 is changed to a G. What type of mutation occurs? SWP – trans-? EQ – How does DNA technology affect our lives?

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