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Non rotating planet.

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Presentation on theme: "Non rotating planet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non rotating planet

2 Rotating planet

3 Wind belts: symmetric case, and then land effects

4 Monsoons

5 Angular momentum Change in length of day time

6 Wind as a function of latitude and height (Wells)

7 Temperature as a function of latitude and height (Wells)

8 Annual sea level pressure and winds
Wallace and Hobbs

9 Surface winds & precipitation Wallace and Hobbs

10 Northern hemisphere Winter circulation

11 Northern hemisphere Winter circulation

12 Northern hemisphere Winter circulation

13 Northern hemisphere - temperature difference from zonal average
in lower troposphere. (0 to 5 km)

14 Heat flux from surface to atmosphere (Winter)

15 Northern hemisphere precipitation (m/yr)

16 Variability in pressure at ~ 8km
(i.e., weather!) This is actually the difference between the daily averaged height of the 200mb pressure level and its 5-day running average

17 Southern hemisphere winter circulation

18 Southern hemisphere - temperature difference from zonal average
in lower troposphere (0 to 5 km).

19 Southern hemisphere: heat flux from surface to atmosphere
(Winter) Wm-2

20 Southern hemisphere winter precipitation (ish!)

21 Southern hemisphere winter
Variability in pressure at ~ 8km (i.e., weather!) This is actually the difference between the daily averaged height of the 200mb pressure level and its 5-day running average

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