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First Aid for Sudden Events Pt. 1

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1 First Aid for Sudden Events Pt. 1


3 First Aid for Sudden Events Pt. 1
Target: I will be able to describe procedures for emergency care and life saving When giving first aid to someone who has become suddenly ill, first perform a Victim Assessment: A check of the injured or medically ill person to determine if victim has open airway, is breathing normally, or bleeding Pg. 35

4 Fainting: Loss of consciousness for a short time because of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain Put the victim on their back and elevate their legs 8-12 inches above the heart Do not elevate the legs if you suspect a head/neck/back injury Loosen tight clothing

5 Vomiting: ejecting matter from the stomach through the mouth
Turn the victim on their side Give them small sips of clear liquids (never colored fluids) and increase as they can tolerate

6 Seizures: Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, which may produce physical convulsions.
Follow the BRAIN acronym: Be Calm, Remove Dangerous Objects, Always time the seizure, If a person has fallen turn on side and put something under their head, Never put anything in their mouth or hold them down  Summary:

7 Controlling Sudden Events 1.0
Fainting Vomiting Seizure Draw a picture, write a catchy slogan, or create a helpful acronym to help you remember the steps you need to take to give a victim first aid for these sudden events. *Use good grammar/minimum of 4 colors* Pg. 34

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