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Curriculum Overview Hawthorn Class Autumn 2016.

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1 Curriculum Overview Hawthorn Class Autumn 2016

2 English Information texts about homes and castles
Using labels, lists, instructions and captions Stories with familiar settings Commas in lists, full stops and capital letters in simple sentences Recapping all phonemes and beginning phase 5

3 Maths Count, read and write numbers to 20
Represent numbers using objects and picture including number line images Use language more, less, fewer, most, least, equal to, some and find 1 more and less Count in multiples of 2 Add and subtract to 20 using symbols + - =. Problem solving 2D and 3D shape names and properties

4 Science Ourselves- to compare how we have changed over time
To be able to sort and classify materials and see how they can be used for different purposes. E.g. For building To be able to use our senses to explore- linked to topic

5 Music To be able to use our voices to sing in tune
To use percussive instruments to create a steady beat

6 Geography and History To be able to use basic geographical vocabulary- hill, town etc to describe both human and physical features of the landscape around Bradfield To be able to help create a simple pictorial map of Bradfield To be able to compare aspects of everyday life in the past and now To be able to discuss aspects of castles and why they were built, including discovering what life was like in a castle

7 PSHE It’s our world To write a class charter (golden rules)
To find out about each other To understand how to solve problems To think about ways to look after each other To understand what makes a happy playtime To be able to make choices

8 Personal and Social Skills
Faith to succeed Faithfulness Courage To be explored through collective worship and class work and through collaborative and individual activitie

9 Art/ DT To be able to represent objects and people through painting and drawing To create a moving picture/ model using levers, flaps, joints or a winding mechanism

10 Computing To be able to turn on computer
To log on with a user name and password and shut down the school laptops Open a 2Simple program and use simple tools

11 PE (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Outdoor PE- Travelling and small games skills Indoor PE- agility, balance and co-ordination Please note- Outdoor PE will be on a Wednesday after half term.

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