Government and the People

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Presentation on theme: "Government and the People"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government and the People
Chapter 1 section 3 Government and the People

2 What is a government? Is the ruling authority for a community or society Purpose: Provide laws, or rules of conduct Earliest civilizations have had governments Native Americans – Tribal Council

3 Functions of Government

4 Three levels of Government
National – Our main government Legislative Executive Judicial Has the highest level of authority State – Decides what is best for each person of that state Driving Age Local Counties, cities, towns Curfews

5 Types of Democracy Direct Democracy Representative Democracy
ALL citizens meet and debate government matters and vote firsthand Not that practical today because of large populations Representative Democracy Citizens choose a small group to represent them, make laws, and govern on their behalf The US is the oldest representative democracy in the world

6 Principles of American Democracy

7 Authoritarian -vs- democratic

8 Monarchy Government with a hereditary ruler (king, queen, or other royal figure who inherits this position of power Types Constitutional Monarchy – There is a ruler but their power is limited Great Britain Absolute Monarchy – King or ruler has complete control over the country Almost nonexistent today Saudi Arabia – but they still have to consult with advisors

9 Dictatorship ???? One has complete control over the state
Take power by using force Limited freedom of speech, press, and assembly Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro

10 Totalitarianism ??? Government controls all aspects of human life.
No individual freedom Example Adolf Hitler : Nazi Germany Benito Mussolini : Italy Joseph Stalin : Soviet Union

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