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Family Structure.

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1 Family Structure

2 What is a family? Who we include in the definition of family has changed through history & changes for different cultures. With the Industrial Revolution, the U.S. began shifting away from extended to nuclear families.

3 Family of Orientation Family of Procreation Nuclear family Extended family

4 Marriage Norms Exogamy Endogamy

5 Types of Marriage Monogamy Serial monogamy

6 Polygamy Polygyny Polyandry Group Marriage

7 First name: Jimmy Date Posted: Oct 12, 2004 address: Gender: male Birthday (month-day-year): Country: United States Occupation: retired military About me: We are a couple, m-42,f-37, seeking a mature stable, female to join our family, someone honest, secure in herself to be in a polygamist relationship. One child ok, prefer non smoker, D/D free. Open to religion. Must be willing to relocate as we are settled. Please send pic with reply.

8 Practical Aspects of Polygamy The author, Samuel Chapman, lives in England. You may contact him by e mail at: Benefits For Women Automatic childcare in a sexist society gives women more effective choice to have a career without devaluing the role of homemaker. Being able to marry the men who attract most women means they don't have to settle just for what's left after other women have the best pickings. Having the possibility that a husband can remarry without divorce extends practical security to a woman. She needn't worry about losing her husband and income as she loses her looks, because if her husband is attracted by a younger woman, he doesn't even have to think about leaving his wife. Controls Placed On Men Polygamy removes or reduces the seduction of innocent young women - If a man promises to marry her, he cannot use his existing marriage as an excuse for not fulfilling a promise. Polygamy reduces the number of women who are available.

9 POLYANDRY Two distinct kinds of polyandry are practiced:
Nair (of India) the husbands are not related to each other. Tibetan or fraternal polyandry, in which the woman is married to all the brothers of one family. Polyandry is practiced by the tribes of Tibet, Kashmir and the Himalayan regions The Todas, Koorgs, Nairs and other peoples of India In Ceylon, New Zealand, by some of the Australian aborigines In parts of Africa In the Aleutian archipelago, among the Koryaks and on the Orinoco. "POLYANDRY." LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia. © 2003, 2004 LoveToKnow.

10 Group Marriage Group marriage is vanishingly rare in traditional societies. Only the Caingang people of Brazil practice group marriage as a socially accepted form of marriage, and even among them, it is not the predominant form of marriage. Group marriage occasionally occurred in communal societies founded in the 19th and 20th centuries. An exceptionally long-lived example was the Oneida Community founded by the Congregationalist minister John Humphrey Noyes in 1848. The Oneida commune practiced sexual communalism and shared parental responsibilities, and in effect functioned as a large group marriage until sometime in the period

11 Descent & Inheritance Patrilineal Matrilineal Bilineal

12 Authority Patriarchy Matriarchy Egalitarian

13 Residence Patterns Patrilocal Matrilocal Neolocal

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