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Presentation Skills (for the Persuasive Research Projects)

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1 Presentation Skills (for the Persuasive Research Projects)
A Mr. Hock Adaptation ©2013 Worldwide Hock

2 Objectives Identify ways to manage nerves
Determine effective platform techniques Organize, plan, and prepare a presentation Create effective supporting visuals Identify techniques to effectively handle a question and answer session

3 David Wallenchinsky, The Book of Lists
Top ten fears 1. Speaking before a group 2. Heights 3. Insects and bugs 4. Financial problems 5. Deep water 6. Sickness 7. Death 8. Flying 9. Loneliness 10. Dogs David Wallenchinsky, The Book of Lists

4 Techniques to control nervousness
Take care of the physical things Clear your mind and focus on the task Keep the situation and tension in perspective Visualize success Build rapport with audience Use relaxation techniques Practice!

5 Speakers are judged by—
How they organize what they present How they speak How they appear Criteria

6 Platform skills Eye contact Voice Hand gestures Body movement

7 Platform skills Eye contact Voice Hand gestures Body movement
Look at someone for five seconds or for a complete thought Ensure you look at all sections of the audience

8 Platform skills Eye contact Voice Hand gestures Body movement
Focus on— Vocal projection Rate of speech Pauses Enthusiasm Articulation Avoid verbal fillers

9 Platform skills Eye contact Voice Hand gestures Body movement
Gesture as a natural extension of the words Do not lock hands Gesture broadly above the waist When not gesturing, let arms hang loosely at sides

10 Platform skills Eye contact Voice Hand gestures Body movement
Keep feet and hips stationary Move with purpose Do not— Put hands in your pocket Nervously play with pens, paper, etc. Look at your visuals more than your audience

11 Flow of energy Let your energy flow out of your upper body (hand gestures), not lower body (shuffling, swaying)

12 Build your presentation
Analyze your audience Define your purpose Organize the body Develop the introduction Create the conclusion Practice!

13 Remember: A REASON An acronym for organizing the body of your presentation A nalyze your points R efer to experts E xamples—use A nalogies—employ S tatistics—provide O rder your points N arrative—use for transitions

14 Develop the introduction
Get the audience’s attention Establish credibility Identify a clear purpose State a clear WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) State main point and major points INTRO

15 Create the conclusion Cue the ending
Summarize the main point and major points Avoid trailing off End on a strong point

16 Effective visuals guidelines
Limit text—use visuals Limit f eAtur Es Keep it simple! Place details in handouts, not in visuals Keep text large Use bold colors

17 Trade secrets: When using flipcharts
Stand to the left side of the chart when possible Do not block view when writing Lightly pencil-in small notes that only the presenter sees Place post-its on frequently referenced flipchart pages Skip pages so ink does not bleed through and stick pages together

18 Handling questions Acknowledge questioner by name
Repeat question asked Ask for clarification, if necessary Answer or defer to later ? ? ? ? ? ?

19 What is one key new technique you will take away from this workshop?
Summary What is one key new technique you will take away from this workshop?

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