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Presentations and PPTs Sławomir Kłąb Technical University of Łódź Chopin 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentations and PPTs Sławomir Kłąb Technical University of Łódź Chopin 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentations and PPTs Sławomir Kłąb Technical University of Łódź Chopin 2007

2 2 Agenda Basics Preparation Structure Performing Conclusion

3 3 Basics What is a presentation? Who is a presenter?

4 4 Presentations Steps to take  Prepare the Presentation  Structure the Presentation  Perform the Presentation

5 5 Preparation The Rule  Every presentation should have a clear objective  Every element of the presentation should support that objective

6 6 Preparation Objectives  to explain  to inform  to train  to report  to motivate  to thank  to self-promote  to define and solve problem

7 7 Preparation Why? Who? What? How? Where?

8 8 Preparation Before you start, you should know three things:  Yourself  Your audience  Your subject

9 9 Preparation Proper planning prevents poor performance

10 10 Structure Title – headline Plan  Introduction (15-20%)  Body (60-70%)  Conclusion(15-20%) Q & A from the audience

11 11 Structure Introduction  Capture attention  Introduce yourself  Give reasons for listening  Establish subject  Present a structure  Give administrative details

12 12 Structure Body  Series of points not more than 3-5  Supporting evidence (stories, facts, illustrations) Supporting the objective

13 13 Structure Conclusion  summary  memorable statement (can be emotional)  It’s your last chance with the audience, don’t waste it

14 14 Structure Questions  If you are asked something Repeat the question / rephrase Credit the person / comment Respond (or admit you don’t know) Bridge to the next Address the whole audience Repeat the main conclusion at the end of the session

15 15 Performing Visuals  Help increase understanding  Save time, focus attention  Prompt attentiveness  Help control nervousness  Speaker is perceived as more professional Visuals support the talk but don’t replace it

16 16 Performing Visuals  KISS: Keep it short and simple  Consistent colour, font, layout  Smallest visible font - 18pt  1 slide, 1 idea, 1 minute

17 17 Performing Presenter  Move  Keep eye contact  Avoid repetitive gestures or movements  Avoid stable positions

18 18 Performing Presenter  Avoid jargon  Stay with the subject  Never read everything  Do not memorize (may be a part)  Concentrate on informing not entertaining  Silences: max 10 seconds  Humour

19 19 Top ten fears in the USA 1.Speaking in front of a group 2.Heights 3.Insects or bugs 4.Financial problems 5.Deep water 6.Sickness 7.Death 8.Flying 9.Loneliness 10.Dogs

20 20 Performing Stress fight  Positive attitude  Rehearsal  Concentrate on message  People want you to succeed  Do not apologise  Memorise a fragment, keywords

21 21 Performing Stress fight  Have a glass of water close  Concentrate on positive results  Meet & greet people

22 22 Performing Practical hints:  Be earlier, check room and equiplemnt  Have spare parts  Have an assistant  Think before about questions

23 23 Conclusion Questions? Thank you for listening

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