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ES2002 Business Communication Oral Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "ES2002 Business Communication Oral Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 ES2002 Business Communication Oral Presentations

2 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations2 Outline Preparation Delivery

3 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations3 Preparing for the Talk Define the purpose Analyse the audience Consider logistics Gather the material Organise the material Prepare an outline Write the script Prepare delivery notes Prepare visual aids Rehearse

4 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations4 Define the Purpose General purpose to inform to persuade or motivate Specific purpose the audience should know, think or do something Prepare talk Define purpose

5 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations5 Specific Purpose to persuade audience to buy PR services to inform audience about PR services to convince audience of need for PR services Audience Should buy PR services know about PR services believe PR services are essential Prepare talk Define purpose

6 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations6 Analyse the Audience Size Composition Likely reaction Level of understanding Attitude towards you Prepare talk Analyse audience

7 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations7 Consider Logistics Timing Duration Physical environment Equipment availability Prepare talk Consider logistics

8 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations8 Gather the Material Research topic Select information Prepare talk Gather material

9 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations9 Organise the Material Allocation of Time for Presentation introduction - 15% body - 75% conclusion - 10% Prepare talk Organise material

10 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations10 Body Main points Supporting points (examples, statistics etc.) Connectives Prepare talk Organise material Body

11 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations11 How to hold your Audience’s Attention and Interest Attention and Interest OpeningBody Closin g 6 to 8 minutes Natural Tendency Prepare talk Organise material Body

12 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations12 Introduction Get attention Reveal topic Preview main points Establish credibility Prepare talk Organise material Introduction

13 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations13 Get Attention Make what you say relevant Ask a question Arouse curiosity Make a startling statement Tell a story or anecdote Prepare talk Organise material Introduction

14 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations14 Conclusion Signal the end Reinforce the central idea Ask for action (if appropriate) Prepare talk Organise material Conclusion

15 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations15 Reinforce the Central Idea Provide a summary Make a prediction/promise Refer to the introduction Make a dramatic statement Prepare talk Organise material Conclusion

16 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations16 Outline the Talk An outline helps you to check logic and sequencing of ideas ensure your talk is well organised and complete deliver the talk Prepare talk Outline talk

17 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations17 Prepare Delivery Notes Use 3 by 5-inch cards Have one main point or sub point per card Include statistics or quotes Write on one side only Number cards Prepare talk Prepare delivery notes

18 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations18 Important! Do NOT memorize the entire script of your talk. If you do so: Your eye contact will suffer. Your engagement with the audience will be affected. You will lose spontaneity.

19 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations19 Prepare Visual Aids Use visual aids with care Most important focus of presentation - YOU Prepare talk Prepare visual aids

20 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations20 Methods of InstructionPercent of Recall 3 hours later 3 days later Telling, when used alone70%10% Showing, when used alone72%20% Combination of telling85%65% and showing Prepare talk Prepare visual aids Use of Visual Aids

21 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations21 Prepare Visual Aids Be clear about objective Know your material Plan structure and content Consider how visual dimension will help Prepare talk Prepare visual aids

22 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations22 Prepare Visual Aids Consider: Design and Layout Colour Text and Graphics Animation Prepare talk Prepare visual aids

23 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations23 Rehearse Build self-confidence Practise using equipment Make sure length is correct Prepare talk Rehearse

24 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations24 Delivering the Talk Eye contact Posture Gestures Facial expressions Voice Speed Use of visual aids Handling of questions

25 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations25 Eye contact Don’t look at the ceiling your notes the floor the screen one individual the audience with glazed expression out the window Do look systematically at different sections of the audience. Deliver talk Eye contact

26 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations26 Posture Don’t Stand stiffly Shift weight Sway Lean on lectern or table Do Stand tall with weight evenly on both feet and shoulders back Move occasionally to add action Deliver talk Posture

27 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations27 Gestures Don’t Raise and lower arms repeatedly Point at audience Swing pointer Fiddle with hair, jewellery, etc Put hands in pockets Hold hands awkwardly Fold arms Do Use natural gestures Make sure gestures not distracting Deliver talk Gestures

28 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations28 Facial Expressions Relax and be enthusiastic Smile Vary your expressions Deliver talk Facial expressions

29 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations29 Voice Project your voice Speak and pronounce clearly Vary your volume Vary your pitch Deliver talk Voice

30 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations30 Speed of Delivery Don’t rush through points Slow down to emphasise key points Use pauses Make sure the talk is within the time limit Deliver talk Speed of delivery

31 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations31 Handling Visual Aids Make sure visual aids can be seen by all Focus on audience, not VA Incorporate VA into talk Reveal / remove VA when appropriate Avoid reading VA word for word Use a pointer, not your fingers Give audience time to see Deliver talk Handling visual aids

32 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations32 Handling Questions Before presentation Anticipate questions During question and answer session Listen to entire question; make sure you understand it Repeat question out loud Credit person for asking question Respond to question honestly and the best way you can Deliver talk Handling questions

33 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations33 Handling Questions If you cannot answer, –Redirect question to audience –Offer to find out answer later Check clarity of your response before taking on next question Try not to contradict each other when giving a team presentation Deliver talk Handling questions

34 ES2002 Business Communication: Oral Presentations34 Team Presentations Ensure individual presentations are part of a coherent whole. Provide smooth transitions from speaker to speaker. Coordinate handling of questions. Present a cooperative outlook. Coordinate the handling of V.A. REHEARSE as a team.

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