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To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher

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1 To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher
To download a copy of today’s lesson go to and click on “Gospel Meetings” 1

2 Bible Psychology Bringing every thought into
captivity to the obedience of Christ - 2 Corinthians 10:5 - Presented by Chris Reeves * Round Lake Beach Gospel Meeting * Oct. 19, 2017

3 Psychology What is psychology? A study of the psyche or mind
Man has a “soul” (Gr. psyche) = lit. breath (of life); then, the seat of feelings, desires, affections (mind); finally, the whole person

4 The Christian and Psychology
Worldly psychology is humanistic in approach (Jer. 10:23; Prov. 14:12) However, there are also faithful Christians in the field of psychology who help their clients to follow biblical principles

5 Worldly Psychology Emphasis on self-guidance
Emphasis on self-esteem, self- worth, self-image, self-awareness Emphasis on personal happiness Emphasis on disease or sickness

6 Bible Psychology Man is made in the image of God with a mind (Gen. 1:26-27) Man is born upright (Eccl. 7:29) Man has to discern between good and evil (Heb. 5:14)

7 Your Psychiatric Evaluation
Have you sinned (1 Jn. 3:4)? You should be feeling guilt Have you been feeling the guilt of sin? You should now be feeling resolve to change (Lk. 15; Acts 2)

8 Your Psychiatric Evaluation
Have you made the change? You should now be feeling peace of mind Have you returned to your former state after changing? You should now feel godly sorrow (2 Cor. 7:8- 12)

9 Your Psychiatric Evaluation
Have you returned to the Lord? You should be feeling

10 Your Psychiatrist The Bible (Psa. 119:59-60)
The parent (Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4) The preacher (2 Cor. 10:5) The Christian (Gal. 6:1-2; Jas. 5:19) The friend (Prov. 27:6)

11 Your Psychiatrist The government (Rom. 13:3-4)

12 Bible Psychology What the world needs is Jesus Christ, not Sigmund Freud

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