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Physics of Basketball By: Maya Zee.

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1 Physics of Basketball By: Maya Zee

2 Newton’s First Law At rest Unbalanced Force Moving
The basketball is at rest until a player picks up the ball. When the ball is on the floor (at rest) it is a balanced force (F gravity = F normal), the ball will stay at rest until an unbalanced force (a player- Fapp) picks it up and throws it. Then the ball will keep moving until another unbalanced force stops it.

3 Free Body Diagram FN Fg At Rest Fg Fapp Ff -fluid FN Thrown

4 Energy No Energy Chemical & Thermal Energy Gravitational Energy
Kinetic Energy Thermal Sound

5 Energy No Energy = The ball is at rest
Chemical & Thermal Energy = Player is using their muscles to move the ball & the ball is colliding with air molecules Gravitational Energy = The ball is being held above the ground so it has more gravitational potential energy Kinetic Energy = The ball is in motion after being thrown by the player Thermal = The ball collides with air molecules as it is thrown through the air Sound = The ball hits the floor and makes a sound

6 Newton’s Second Law A person with more mass (Mr. Guthrie) and a person with less mass (Sierra) both run at the same speed. Mr. Guthrie will have to exert more force to run at the same speed as Sierra because he has more mass. When the two collide there will be a bigger amount of force exerted on Sierra because Mr. Guthrie has more mass than her.

7 Free Body Diagram Fg Ff Fapp FN Fg Ff Fapp FN Sierra Mr. Guthrie
-Sliding Fapp FN Mr. Guthrie Fg Ff -Sliding Fapp FN Sierra More Mass LessMass Fix up and down arrows to reflect more mass and less mass DONE

8 Energy No Energy Chemical Energy Kinetic Energy
Thermal Energy Sound Energy No Energy Mr. Guthrie No Energy Chemical Energy Kinetic Energy Thermal Energy Sound Energy Gravitational Energy Thermal Energy Sound Energy Sierra

9 Energy Sierra No Energy = Not moving
Chemical Energy = Using her legs to run towards Mr. Guthrie Kinetic Energy = Moving towards Mr. Guthrie Thermal Energy = Body colliding with the air molecules Sound Energy = Hitting Mr. Guthrie after running at him Gravitational Energy = Flying after collision with Mr. Guthrie Thermal Energy = When flying through the air she is colliding with air particles Sound Energy = Sound after hitting the floor Mr. Guthrie No Energy = Not moving Chemical Energy = Using his legs to run towards Sierra Kinetic Energy = Moving towards Sierra Thermal Energy = Body colliding with the air molecules Sound Energy = Hitting Sierra after running at her No Energy = Stopped running after collision

10 Newton’s Third Law Someone shoots the ball and misses terribly. When she missed the basketball hit the backboard and exerted a force on it. The backboard then exerted a force back on the basketball with equal strength. This made the basketball fly the opposite way.

11 (Flying through the air)
Free Body Diagram FN Ff -fluid Fapp Fg Fapp Ff -fluid Basketball (Flying through the air) Fg Backboard (Can’t/Doesn’t move) Ff (fluid) up left picture DONE

12 Energy No Energy Chemical Energy Kinetic Energy Thermal Energy
Gravitational & Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy Thermal Energy Sound Energy

13 Energy No Energy = When the ball is on the floor
Chemical Energy = The player uses their muscles to pick up the ball Kinetic Energy = The ball moves through the air Thermal Energy = When the ball is moving through the air it collides with air molecules Gravitational & Kinetic Energy = The ball is thrown (moving) and has height Kinetic Energy = The ball hits the backboard and falls down Thermal Energy = When the ball is falling it collides with air molecules Sound Energy = The ball makes a sound when it hits the floor

14 Newton’s Third Law Action Reaction
When two basketballs roll at each other, one ball will hit the other applying a force (action), then the other ball pushes back on the other ball with a force, causing both balls to roll away from each other [equal and opposite] (reaction).

15 Free Body Diagram Fg Ff Fapp FN Fg Fapp FN Ff Ball #1 Ball #2 -Rolling

16 Energy No Energy Chemical Energy Kinetic Energy
Thermal Energy Sound Energy Kinetic Energy No Energy

17 Energy No Energy = Both of the balls at rest
Chemical Energy = Players using her hands to push the balls towards one another Kinetic Energy = Both balls rolling towards one another Thermal Energy = The balls colliding with ground molecules and air molecules Sound Energy = Both balls hitting each other making a sound Kinetic Energy = After both of the balls hit they roll the other way No Energy = After the balls roll away from contact they slow down and finally stop

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