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Safeguards & Security (SSWG) FY2017 EFCOG Annual Meeting

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1 Safeguards & Security (SSWG) FY2017 EFCOG Annual Meeting
Amy Wilson Chair, Safeguards & Security Working Group Y12 National Security Complex June 7, 2017

2 Safeguards & Security Working Group Leadership Team
Chair: Amy Wilson Vice Chair: Michael Schwartz DOE Liaison: Marc Brooks, AU-51 EFCOG Sponsoring Director Greg Meyer, Fluor Subgroups and Subgroup Chairs Maurice Hernandez: Physical Protection Wade Nelson: Information Security Michael Kaufman: MC&A

3 SSWG Participation Participation from all NNSA and most DOE sites
Majority of business conducted via and phone Membership prefers face-to-face meetings over VTC format to facilitate break out sessions

4 FY17 Key Achievements October 2016 meeting at Y12
80 security professionals, from 13 federal organizations and 21 contractor organizations, including joint meetings for the NNSA MC&A Implementation Panel and the Protection Program Implementation Panel April MC&A sub-group meeting with NNSA Implementation Panel at NTC June 5 Best Practices Challenge

5 FY 2017 Upcoming Focus Areas and Planned Achievements
Building relationships with ongoing complex initiatives to identify where EFCOG SSWG can help/promote efforts Example: February campaign visit with federal counterparts Enhance interaction with member companies and other working groups Fall season SSWG meeting

6 Best Practices Development Status and Plans for FY17
IOSC Categorization Committed in FY17 Annual Plan, on schedule. Material Surveillance Protective Force Staffing Challenge for Tuesday, June 5: Write a best practice in a one-day focused session.

7 Looking ahead to FY18 Expand benchmarking to companies outside DOE/NNSA mainstream Continue to challenge best practice focus sessions Enhancement of contact lists Engagement with other working groups and complex-wide initiatives

8 Issues None to escalate

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