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Transportation and Communication

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1 Transportation and Communication

2 Expansion of Business 1790 Roads provided the basis of transportation within states 1830 Rivers (Mississippi, Ohio) and canals (Erie Canal) – steamboats, barges 1840s Railroads triumphed over canals (Baltimore-Ohio line was first)

3 Distribution of Goods Man. goods Cotton Cotton, tobacco Corn, Wheat
Northwest (Cincinnati, St. Louis) Northeast (NYC, Boston) Southeast (Charleston) Southwest (New Orleans)

4 Communication and Journalism
Telegraph Samuel F. B. Morse (Western Union) Seemed an ideal solution to long distance communication Rotary Printer Developed in 1846 Allowed newspapers to be printed quickly and cheaply Associated Press Multiple newspaper publishers formed AP Promoted cooperative news gathering by wire Journalism became an important unifying factor in American life. In the s it reflected the sectional conflict in US, mostly reflected Northern views (most papers in northeast)

5 Expansion of Business Interchangeable parts
(Eli Whitney, Simeon North) – factory production Sewing machine (Elias Howe and Isaac Singer) – availability of ready-made clothing New sources of energy – coal (Pittsburgh), water

6 Labor Systems 1820s – 90% of Americans lived or worked on farms
Movement west People didn’t Development of new farm machinery have to grow Crops were less labor intensive their own food There were 2 systems of labor: 1. Whole families moved from farm to mill (NYC, Philadelphia) 2. Young women moved to mill (Lowell, Mass.)

7 Immigrant workforce (1840s)
Many New Englanders believed that women working was immoral. The mills: - provided a safe environment - had strict curfews - mandatory church attendance - fired girls for any perceived misconduct Lowell System (1830s) Immigrant workforce (1840s) Rise of trade unions in major cities (Commonwealth v. Hunt 1842)

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