Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Pakistan

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1 Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Pakistan
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Pakistan

2 Content Basic socio-demographic indicators
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status ( ) Vulnerability and HIV knowledge ( ) Risk Behaviors ( ) Economics of AIDS ( ) National Response ( )

3 Basic socio-demographic indicators
Total population (in thousands) 163,902 (2007)1a Annual population growth rate 2.1% ( )1a Population aged (thousands) 85,305 (2007)1a Percentage of population in urban areas 36% (2007)1a Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population) 27 (2007)1a Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 97 (2006)1b Human development index (HDI) - Rank/Value 136/0.551 (2005)2 Life expectancy at birth (years) 63 (2006)1b Adult literacy rate 50% (2006)1c Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%) 78 (2006)3 GDP per capita (PPP, $US) 2,370 (2005)2 Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$) 49 (2005)1b Source: 1a 2007 UN Population Division cited in WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF. Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS: Pakistan, July 2008 1b World Health Statistics 2008, cited in WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF. Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS: Pakistan, July 2008 1c UNESCO 2006, cited in WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF. Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS: Pakistan, July 2008 2 UNDP. Human Development Report, 2007/2008 3 World Development Indicators database. September 2008; Data refers to the percentage of girls to boys enrolled at primary and secondary levels in public and private schools. UNESCO Institute for Statistics

4 HIV prevalence and epidemiological status

5 Trends of HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk, 2005 - 2009
Source: HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round I, II, III and special round for FSW, NACP, MOH, Pakistan,

6 HIV prevalence among populations at higher risk, 2008 - 2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008 and special round for FSW, 2009_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

7 HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk, Karachi, 2008-2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III and special round for FSW, _cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

8 HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk, Larkana, 2008-2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III and special round for FSW, _cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

9 HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk, Lahore, 2008-2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III and special round for FSW, _cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

10 HIV prevalence among IDUs by age group, 2007 Vs 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round II and III, _cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

11 HIV prevalence among IDUs, selected cities, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

12 Trend of HIV prevalence among IDUs by cities, 2005-2008
Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 1 (2005), Round 2 ( ) and Round 3, 2008

13 HIV prevalence among FSWs, selected cities, 2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS special round for FSW, 2009_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

14 HIV prevalence among FSWs by age group, 2007 Vs 2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round II and special round for FSW, _cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

15 HIV prevalence among MSW and Hijra SW by age group, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

16 HIV prevalence among MSW, selected cities, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

17 HIV prevalence among Hijra sex workers, selected cities, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

18 HIV prevalence among male sex workers by city, 2005-2008
Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 1 (2005), Round 2 ( ) and Round 3, 2008

19 Trend of HIV prevalence among Hijra sex workers by city, 2005-2008
Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 1 (2005), Round 2 ( ) and Round 3, 2008

20 HIV prevalence among most-at-risk populations, by age, 2007
Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan January 2006 to December 2007 citing Ministry of Health 2007

21 Estimated number of people living with HIV, 2001-2007
Source: 2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic, UNAIDS/WHO, July 2008

22 Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS, 2001-2007
Source: 1.Pakistan_UNAIDS, Epidemiological Fact Sheets 2008 Update 2. Pakistan_UNAIDS, Epidemiological Fact Sheets 2006 Update

23 HIV prevalence among youth and general population, 2005
Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report, 2005 & UNFPA, State of the World Population 2004

24 HIV prevalence among FSWs in major urban areas, 2005
Source: NACP, National Study of Reproductive Tract and Sexually Transmitted Infections, Survey of high-risk groups in Lahore and Karachi, Mar-Aug 2005; UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan, 2005 and NACP, Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey in three cities of Punjab: Lahore, Faisalabad and Multan, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project, 2005

25 Vulnerability and HIV knowledge

26 Percentage of populations at higher risk with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2007 Vs 2008-09
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round II, III and special round for FSW_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

27 Percentage of populations at higher risk with comprehensive HIV knowledge by age group, 2008-2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008 and special round for FSW, 2009_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

28 Percentage of IDUs with correct HIV prevention knowledge, selected cities, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

29 Percentage of MSWs with correct HIV prevention knowledge, selected cities, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

30 Percentage of Hijra SWs with correct HIV prevention knowledge, selected cities, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

31 Socio-demographic characteristics of IDUs, MSMs and HSWs, 2008
MSW (%) HSW (%) Male 99.8 100 - Up to 24 years 16.7 75.6 33.0 Mean age 33.2 years 21.7 years 27.3 years Married 41.1 10.5 12.2 Illiterate 59.7 42.4 59.6 Living with family 58.3 76.9 13.8 Living with friends 25.4 63.2 Mean age at initiation of IDUs 28.5 years Travel to other cities in the past 12 months 26.5 17.4 35.6 Note: Sample size -- IDU = 2,979, MSW = 1,205, HSW = 1,186 Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 3, 2008

32 % of most-at-risk populations with comprehensive HIV knowledge by age, 2007
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV&AIDS: Percentage of people who both correctly identify ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV and who reject major misconceptions (UNGASS definition) Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan January 2006 to December 2007

33 % of women 15-49 yrs with comprehensive HIV knowledge, by education, 2006-2007
Source: NIPS, ORC Macro / MEASURE DHS, Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey,

34 % of women 15-49 yrs with knowledge of HIV prevention, by education, 2006-2007
 DHS sampled 10,023 ever-married women aged yrs Source: NIPS, ORC Macro / MEASURE DHS, Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey,

35 % of women 15-49 yrs who have heard of HIV & AIDS by education and province, 2006-2007
 DHS sampled 10,023 ever-married women aged yrs. Source: NIPS, ORC Macro / MEASURE DHS, Preliminary Report Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey,

36 % of women yrs who would not keep secret that a family member got infected with HIV by education, Source: NIPS, ORC Macro / MEASURE DHS, Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey,

37 % of population yrs who know that HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, Peshawar and Karachi, 2005  Total sample size was 3,087 (1,261 male & 1,826 female). Source: NACP, Report on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Study Conducted in Peshawar and Karachi, January 2005

38 % of population yrs who believe that people with HIV should be allowed to work, Peshawar and Karachi, 2005  Total sample size was 3,087 (1,261 male & 1,826 female) Source: NACP, Report on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Study Conducted in Peshawar and Karachi, January 2005

39 % of most-at-risk populations who have heard of HIV & AIDS, Karachi & Lahore, 2005
Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

40 % of most-at-risk populations who know about different ways of HIV prevention in Karachi and Rawalpindi, Rawalpindi MSWs N= 101, Transgender N= 101, IDUs N= 200 Karachi MSWs N= 199, Transgender N= 199, IDUs N= 400 Source: NACP, Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance, A Pilot Study in Karachi and Rawalpindi,

41 % of various types of FSWs with knowledge of HIV prevention in Karachi and Rawalpindi, 2004-2005
FSWs N=203 (120 Kothi khana, 83 street-based) Karachi FSWs N=400 (140 Kothi Khana, 60 brothel and 206 street-based) Source: NACP, Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance, A Pilot Study in Karachi and Rawalpindi,

42 % of most-at-risk populations who know a place for confidential HIV testing, Karachi and Lahore, 2005 Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

43 Risk behaviours

44 % of IDUs who used sterile injecting equipment at the last time they injected by age group, 2007 Vs 2008 Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Reports, 2008 and 2010

45 IDUs with selected characteristics of injecting drug use, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

46 % of IDUs with selected injecting behaviors, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

47 % of IDUs sharing syringes/needles at last injection by city, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

48 % of IDUs who always used a new syringe for injection in the last month by city, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

49 Percentage of IDUs who reported the use of a condom at last sexual intercourse, by age group, 2007 Vs 2008 Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Reports, 2008 and 2010

50 % of IDUs having had sex with SWs in last six months by city, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

51 Trends of injecting alone and needle sharing behaviors among IDUs, 2005-2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

52 Trends of condom use in last commercial sex among IDUs, 2005-2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

53 Selected sexual behaviors among IDUs in the last 6 months, 2008
Regular female sex partner Sexually active with regular female sex partner 38.8% Condom use at last sex % Had sex with FSWs Mean number of paid female partners 2.9 Condom use in last sex with paid female sexual partner 31.0% Had sex with a MSW or HSW Condom used in last sex with MSW or HSW % Lubricant use in last sex with MSW or HSW % Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 3, 2008

54 Risk practices according to HIV status of IDUs, 2008
Drug and injection practices HIV (+ve) (%) HI V (-ve) (%) Injected heroin Injecting > three times a day * Injecting with a used syringe/ needle 66.2 16.2 21.2 58.9 13.8 22.7 Shared (passed) syringe/ needle on last time * 19.1 17.1 Injection by professional injector on last time 31.4 32.5 Sharing injection equipments ** 37.8 30.8 Had sex with FSW 16.8 18.1 Had sex with MSW/ HSW 12.5 14.3 * Statistically significant p value < ** Statistically significant at p < 0.1 Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 3, 2008

55 % of key populations at higher risk with overlapping risk behaviors in past six months, 2008-2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008 and special round for FSW, 2009_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

56 Networking between IDUs and other most-at-risk populations, 2006-2007
Source: National AIDS Control Program, MoH, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round II,

57 Percentage of MSWs and Hijra SWs who reported injecting drug use in the past six months, selected cities, 2008 Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

58 % of female sex workers who used a condom with their most recent client by age group, 2007 Vs 2009
Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Reports, 2008 and 2010

59 % of MSWs and Hijra SWs who always used a condom with their clients in the last month by city, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

60 Sexual behaviors and practices of male sex workers, 2008
Percent Consistent condom use with Commercial sex partner Non commercial sex partner 24.0 22.2 Paid anyone for anal sex in the past month 4.5 Paid a female in the past month 42.7 Alcohol/ drugs during sex in the past 6 months 33.2 Injected drugs in the past 6 months 4.2 Had sex with IDUs in the past 6 months 6.4 Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 3, 2008

61 % of condom use practices among MSWs and Hijra SWs with paying and non paying clients, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

62 Mean number of clients per month among MSWs and Hijra SWs by age group, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

63 Mean duration in sex work among MSWs and Hijra SWs, selected cities, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

64 Percentage of MSWs and Hijra SWs who carried along a condom at the time of survey by city, 2008
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, IBBS round III, 2008

65 Trends of consistent condom use with clients by MSWs/ HSWs, 2005-2008
Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 3, 2008

66 Sexual behaviors and practices of Hijra sex workers, 2008
Percent Consistent condom use with Commercial sex partner Non commercial sex partner 19.7 19.6 Lubricant use during last anal sex 78.7 Alcohol/ drugs during sex in the past 6 months 62.4 Had sex with IDUs in the past 6 months 6.3 Injected drugs in the past 6 months 4.6 Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 3, 2008

67 Risk practices according to HIV status of Hijra sex workers, 2008
Risk practices and knowledge HIV (+ve) (%) HI V (-ve) (%) Always use condom * 11.2 88.8 Took drugs through injection ** 12.7 87.3 Had sex with an IDU ** 31.4 32.5 Knows HIV spread by sex 5.9 94.1 Knows condoms protects HIV * 8.2 91.8 * Statistically significant p value < ** Statistically significant p value < 0.05 by fisher exact test Source: Ministry of Health, HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round 3, 2008

68 % of FSWs and MSWs reporting the use of a condom with their most recent client by age group, 2007
Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan January 2006 to December 2007

69 % of IDUs reporting the use of a condom the last time they had sex with various partners, Karachi and Rawalpindi, Source: NACP, Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance, A Pilot Study in Karachi and Rawalpindi,

70 % of IDUs who adopted safe behaviors in Karachi and Lahore, 2005
Total IDUs sampled = 799 Lahore IDUs N= 397 Karachi IDUs N= 402 Safe behaviors include: - avoiding use of non-sterile injecting equipment - using condoms during sexual intercourse Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan, 2005 refers to National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

71 % of IDUs who shared needles in the last week/year, 2005
28 6 48 21 35 82 51 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Shared at last injection Share a needle at every injection last week Used an unsafe needle any time in the last week Injected in another city last year (%) Karachi Lahore Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

72 % of FSWs and MSWs who reported always using a condom with their clients in the last month, Karachi and Rawalpindi, Source: NACP, Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance, A Pilot Study in Karachi and Rawalpindi,

73 % of FSWs who are exposed to injecting drug use in Karachi and Lahore, 2005
Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

74 % of MSWs reporting consistent condom use with different sex partners in Karachi and Lahore, 2005
Lahore MSWs N= Karachi MSWs N= 407 Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

75 Source: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006
% of MSM reporting the use of a condom the last time they had anal sex with a male partner by age group, Source: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006

76 % of truckers reporting commercial sex in Karachi and Lahore, 2005
Truckers N= 400 Karachi Truckers N= 402 Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

77 % of truckers who never used a condom with various partners, Karachi and Lahore, 2005
Truckers N= 400 Karachi Truckers N= 402 Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

78 Economics of AIDS

79 Percentage of AIDS spending by category, 2008 Vs 2009
Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

80 Amount of national funds spent by government from domestic sources for AIDS, 2001-2008
Source: UNAIDS, Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2006 and 2008

81 Projected impact of AIDS on life expectancy and crude death rate, 2005 and 2015
Source: McLeod R. The economic costs of inaction – Curbing the Asian HIV/AIDS epidemic, Draft version. Asian Development Bank/UNAIDS, February 2007

82 National response

83 % of key populations at higher risk who received HIV testing in the last 12 months and knew the results by age group, Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008 and special round for FSW, 2009_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

84 % of most-at-populations who have been tested for HIV in the past 12 months and who knew their results by age group, 2007 Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan January 2006 to December 2007

85 % of most-at-populations who have been tested for HIV in the past 12 months and who knew their results, Karachi & Lahore, 2005 Total sample sizes: FSWs = 827, MSWs = 809, IDUs = 799, Truckers = 802 Source: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, FHI, DFID. National study of reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections: Survey of high risk groups in Lahore and Karachi,

86 % of populations at higher risk reached with HIV prevention programmes by age group, 2008-2009
Source: Pakistan_NACP, MOH, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance Project, IBBS round III, 2008 and special round for FSW, 2009_cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

87 % of most-at-risk population reached by prevention programs by age group, 2007
Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan January 2006 to December 2007

88 % of most-at-risk populations reached by HIV prevention programs, 2005 and 2007
Source: 1. UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report 2005 citing National AIDS Control Program, MOH, Pakistan 2. UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan January 2006 to December 2007, citing MOH, Pakistan

89 Status of PMTCT coverage, 2008 - 2009
Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010 ; WHO_UNAIDS_UNICEF_Towards Universal Access – Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector, 2009

90 Number of HIV infected pregnant women who received PMTCT prophylaxis by regimen, 2008 Vs 2009
Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

91 Percentage of adults and children with advanced HIV receiving ART, 2007 - 2009
Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

92 Status of ART coverage among PLHIV, 2008 Vs 2009
Sources: Pakistan_UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2010

93 Number of adults and children with advanced HIV infection who are in need and who are receiving ART, 2007 550 Source: WHO_UNAIDS UNICEF_Towards Universal Access – Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, 2008

94 % of adults and children with advanced HIV infection receiving antiretroviral therapy, 2005-2007
According to UNGASS Country Report 2008, 550 adults and children are on ART out of total 7,500 people with advanced HIV infection

95 % of pregnant women 15-49 with access to antenatal care, by education, 2006-2007
National average = 61 % Source: NIPS, ORC Macro / MEASURE DHS, Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey,

96 Number of HIV+ pregnant women who are in need of and who are receiving ART to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, 2007 WHO_UNAIDS_UNICEF,Towards Universal Access – Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, 2008

97 % of schools that provided life skills-based education in the last academic year, 2007
Source: UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Report Pakistan January 2006 to December 2007

98 slides compiled by
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