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Topic: Evaluating the Plans for Reconstruction: Presidential vs

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1 Topic: Evaluating the Plans for Reconstruction: Presidential vs
Topic: Evaluating the Plans for Reconstruction: Presidential vs. Radical Reconstruction

2 Costs of the Civil War and Lincoln’s Plan
Effects of the Civil War 600,000 soldiers killed $15 billion to fight South in ruins, social chaos Southern bitterness Northern economy stronger than ever Nullification theory discredited Federal government has more authority Early Reconstruction Freedmen’s Bureau established Lincoln wanted to quickly restore the states to the Union Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan vs. Wade-Davis Bill Congress vs. Lincoln??? April 1865 – Lincoln assassinated

3 Andrew Johnson vs. Congress
Johnson’s background Johnson favors a variation on Lincoln’s Plan 13th Amendment New Southern Governments Ex Confederates must ask for pardons Johnson threatens to veto Freedman’s Bureau Northern Congressional Republicans angry at Johnson: Congress demands 14th Amendment Radical Republicans attack Johnson “Sir Veto”, drunkenness Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner

4 The Impeachment of Johnson
1866 Congressional elections: Johnson’s “Swing ‘round the Circle” speeches President vs. Congress Republicans win the elections Radical Republicans emboldened Radicals try to Impeach Johnson The charge: Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act (Firing of E. Stanton) March 1868: Impeachment Senate acquits However, the office of the Presidency remains weakened for decades

5 Radical Reconstruction (1867-1877)
Republican fears: is the South growing too powerful? Black Codes Southern representation in Congress issue Moderate vs. Radical Republicans Radicals: must transform the south entirely Both agree: Blacks must be able to vote 15th Amendment Reconstruction Act 1867: The military controls southern districts However, Radical Reconstruction faces problems too….

6 Conclusion 1) Which of the Reconstruction Plans do you think should have been enacted? Explain your reasoning. 2) Predict and Analyze… why will Radical Reconstruction have “problems”?

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