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WAR OF 1812: Causes: Impressment: British practice of seizing Americans at sea and forcing them into the British Navy. Chesapeake Incident: In 1807.

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Presentation on theme: "WAR OF 1812: Causes: Impressment: British practice of seizing Americans at sea and forcing them into the British Navy. Chesapeake Incident: In 1807."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAR OF 1812: Causes: Impressment: British practice of seizing Americans at sea and forcing them into the British Navy. Chesapeake Incident: In 1807 British Navy tried to force a search of US Naval frigate-US refused and British opened fire killing Americans. Jefferson & Congress passed the Embargo Act cutting off foreign exports

2 March Toward War Election of 1808: Republican James Madison becomes 4th President. WAR HAWKS: Led by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina & Henry Clay of Kentucky called for war against Britain. Also WAR HAWKS wanted to seize land from Britain in western territories.

3 Tecumseh Federation Tension over Indiana Territory after ‘Battle of Tippecanoe’. Confederacy of Native Americans led by Tecumseh were defeated by US, led by General William Henry Harrison.

4 Theatres of War of 1812 A. Canada:US invades Canada but fail to win B. British invade NY State, but pushed back C. Washington DC: British burn capital and almost capture James Madison.

5 Battle of New Orleans D. British invade New Orleans; Battle fought two weeks after peace treaty, but Americans win led by General Andrew Jackson

6 Threaty of Ghent TREATY OF GHENT signed in 1814 ends the war with no major gains on either side. * At the Battle of Ft. McHenry (Baltimore), Francis Scott Key writes the ‘Star Spangled Banner’

7 Icons of the War of 1812 “Old Ironsides”-The Constitution The Star-Spangled Banner “Don’t Give Up the Ship!” “We have met the enemy and they are ours” Dolly Madison “saves” Washington “Old Hickory” American nationalism

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