JUNGWON UNIVERSITY English Conversation II (Level 4) Spring

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Presentation on theme: "JUNGWON UNIVERSITY English Conversation II (Level 4) Spring"— Presentation transcript:

1 JUNGWON UNIVERSITY English Conversation II (Level 4) Spring - 2017
Professor: Jennifer Leigh Mc Ghee, MA Ed.

2 Office Information s304 Office Hours: by appointment Phone:

3 PROFESSORJENNIFER.WEEBLY.COM class Information website

4 Attendance Come to Class. Be on Time. Late 3 Times = 1 Class Absence
9 or more Absences = FAIL If late, tell the professor AFTER CLASS so I can mark your attendance. If you know you will be absent, tell the professor BEFORE class…or you cannot make up the work.

5 Materials NO REGULAR PENS PLEASE! BOTH Student Books NO Book? = ABSENT
Pencil Eraser Red Pen Notebook

6 X Homework No Late Work Neat Complete Typed On Time
English Name Class Color Due Date X No Late Work (without special permission)

7 Let’s respect each other! 
Please DO NOT TALK when the professor is talking…Thank you  Please DO NOT TALK when classmates are presenting…Thank you  Let’s respect each other! 

8 I will keep it for you until the end of class.
Cell phones TURN cell phones TO SILENT (not vibrate) Put cell phones at the front of the class by the blackboard. If I see your cell phone, I will keep it for you until the end of class.

9 School Clothing Policy
No Caps, hats No earphones No sunglasses No slippers No Sleepwear No Exercise Clothing

10 Participation grade = -10 points
Participate in Every Class! It is15% of your grade. Raise your hand if you have questions. Do Not Speak Korean. Speak Korean? Participation grade = -10 points

11 Grading Final Grade: Pass = 70-100% / Fail = 0-69% Mid-Term Test: 20%
Assignments and Quizzes: 30% Mid-Term Test: 20% Final Test: 25% Participation: 15% Attendance: 10% Final Grade: Pass = % / Fail = 0-69%

12 Please study BEFORE class! 
Prepare Please study BEFORE class!  Ask for help…and… Enjoy this class!

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