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Alternative Platforms Navigating Online Space Using Constellations

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1 Alternative Platforms Navigating Online Space Using Constellations

2 Alternative Platforms
Alternative Platforms enable simple development of online systems: Systems for individuals will enable people to take back control over their communication channels. Systems for companies will do the same but they will also re-use existing codes to help create tailored systems cheaply. © Alternative platforms, 2018

3 © Alternative platforms, 2018
Stellar Technology Alternative platforms work with graphical structures called constellations. This is an example of a constellation. It maps the communication channels of a user to other systems. © Alternative platforms, 2018

4 Making use of Constellations
Constellations allow us to find similarities between different systems and then use them to develop new codes efficiently. No more rewriting of the same codes! Look at our White Paper to see all our initial Constellations with their key components. Keep tuned to see more coming up soon! © Alternative platforms, 2018

5 The Constellation Business (1)
We plan to build our business on: Developing big projects for big users Operating an online marketplace for modules developed on Alternative Platforms using Constellations Consultancy Support © Alternative platforms, 2018

6 The Constellation Business (2)
Our business model will not monetize: Small users trying to access basic modules Our authorship of the wide-spread constellations In fact, our philosophy is to create a product that is: Open source Quickly growing Suited for a small user © Alternative platforms, 2018

7 An Exemplary Constellation
We cannot call it a day yet … Alternative Platforms need a testbed. For this purpose, we plan to develop an ODR platform using technology solely based on Alternative Platforms. We call this platform the ODR Machine. Why ODR? Why not? ODR empowers people and is awaiting massive development across many different sectors in the coming years. © Alternative platforms, 2018

8 The Machine of ODR Machine (1)
The internet is starting to call for an international ODR system that deals with online defamation. We will use ODR Machine to design such a system, prepare its specification and develop it using latest technology. We will do all of this for a substantially lower cost than what is offered by any other current solution. © Alternative platforms, 2018

9 The Machine of ODR Machine (2)
However, the beauty of Alternative Platforms is that we can re-use Constellations to build new systems. Therefore, we can use the ODR Machine to also create: Dissatisfaction-resolution platforms for large and small retail chains. Platforms dealing with e-justice applications for online common courts. In fact, we are currently discussing such a large project in Russia. Many, many others in different areas than dispute resolution. © Alternative platforms, 2018

10 © Alternative platforms, 2018
About us Our team has more than 25 years of experience with building innovative ODR solutions all around the world. Its leaders are: Zbynek Loebl: Zbynek is an international internet lawyer and ODR entrepreneur currently based in Prague. Former founder and CEO of Youstice and former manager responsible for developing ADR.EU, he was active in UNCITRAL WGIII discussions. Ladi Goc: Ladi is international software engineer and entrepreneur based in DC. Fomer CEO and co-owner of Icewarp Inc. and other successful businesses, he headed IT development of ADR.EU. ODR Machine is inspired and advised by Doc Searls, Esther Dyson and Ethan Katch. © Alternative platforms, 2018

11 We are currently looking for potential partners and investors.
For further information, please contact Zbynek Loebl at © Alternative platforms, 2018

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