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Graphing Review, Types of Graphs and How to Read a Graph

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1 Graphing Review, Types of Graphs and How to Read a Graph
Motion & Momentum Graphing Review, Types of Graphs and How to Read a Graph

2 Objectives for Graphing
Graphing is a method of taking a large amount of information and presenting it in an easily readable format. You must be able to identify, create and read a simple 2-D graph. You must understand and be able to determine the different variables involved in creating a 2-D graph. You must be able to compare and contrast the different types of variables and different types of graphs in this unit.

3 Create a Graphing Template
In your IAN notebook, you will create the a foldable to help you create and read graphs in this unit. Take the 8½” x 11” sheet of paper you are given and turn it Landscape Style as shown.

4 Creating a Graphing Template
Fold the left and right side of the paper into the middle like you are creating “Doors”.

5 Creating a Graphing Template
Flatten your page out again, and on the middle top paste the graph you were given.

6 Creating a Graphing Template
Divide the inside of each door into 3 sections.

7 Creating a Graphing Template
Write the follow terms at the top of each box on the doors. After writing each term, define these terms in the box. Dependent Variable Manipulated Variable Response Variable Independent Variable X - Axis Y - Axis

8 Creating a Graphing Template
Dependent Variable – the possible outcome of the experiment; the effect. Response Variable – What did I measure? What was the effect of the change? Y – Axis = The Vertical Axis on a graph. Manipulated Variable – What did I change in the experiment? What will happen if this changes? Independent Variable – the variable that you have control over, what you can choose and manipulate. X – Axis = The Horizontal Axis on a graph.

9 Creating a Graphing Template
Label your graph paper as shown below. Write the bulleted list directly under the graph. Also show the Y – Axis and X – Axis on the graph. Y - Axis Write the list below here! Dependent Variable (D.V.) Graph Title Manipulated Variable Name of D.V. goes here. Start each axis with zero. Each axis should be divided into even increments. Label all parts of the graph. Label the units of each axis. Response Variable Independent Variable (I.V.) X - Axis Name of I.V. goes here. Y - Axis X - Axis

10 Creating a Graphing Template
Write the term Control Variables and its definition at the bottom of the middle section as shown. Write the Term and Definition below here! Dependent Variable (D.V.) Graph Title Manipulated Variable Name of D.V. goes here. Response Variable Independent Variable (I.V.) Control Variables: All variables that could affect the experiment, but are taken out of the equation because they remain constant. (Must stay the same!) Name of I.V. goes here. Start each axis with zero. Each axis should be divided into even increments. Label all parts of the graph. Label the units of each axis. Y - Axis X - Axis

11 Creating a Graphing Template
Close the doors to your foldable and draw the lines shown on the two doors to separate them into 3 sections each. Then write the letter shown on each section. DRY-MIX is the acronym we will use to remind you about graphing! D M This side of the foldable gives the definition for the Dependent Variable, explains it is the Response to a change in the experiment, and shows it is located on the Y-Axis. This side of the foldable gives the definition for the Independent Variable, explains that it Manipulates a change to the experiment, and shows it is located on the X-Axis. R I Y X

12 Creating a Graphing Template
Now paste your foldable with the DRY-MIX side up in your IAN. You should be able to open the doors and read everything that is inside! D M R I Y X

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