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Introduction to Drama.

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1 Introduction to Drama

2 What is drama? The word drama comes from the Greek word for “action.” Drama is written to be performed by actors and watched by an audience, whether at a theater or at home.

3 Drama vs. Fiction Similarities Differences They both tell a story with characters, plot, and setting. Dramas are written to be performed in front of an audience. Dramas are written in a special form called a script. Drama involves a cast and a crew.

4 DRAMA Consists of two types of writing Dialogue Stage Directions
Can be presented in two ways As literature, the text of the play itself As performance, the production of the play in a theater

5 Two Types of Drama 1. Tragedy 2. Comedy shows the downfall or death of a tragic hero, or main character. The hero is typically a good person brought down by a tragic flaw, or defect in character. typical comedies involve confusion, jokes, and a happy ending.

6 How is a play written? The author of a play is called a playwright. Everything a playwright writes must appear onstage. A play in written form is called a script. It is divided into acts and scenes. A scene is a small part of the play that typically changes whenever the setting changes An act is a group of scenes, and the largest division of a play

7 Who is involved in a play?
The actors and actresses who perform the play are known as the cast. The people who build sets, manage lighting, or work backstage are called the crew. The director oversees the entire production, from how the characters act to the sets. The producer is responsible for the finances of a play.

8 Cast of Characters The cast of characters is a list of characters that appear in a drama Usually has a short description of who the characters are next to each character’s name Character Description ALEXANDER HAMILTON Immigrant and secretary to George Washington AARON BURR Law student, rival of HAMILTON LAFFAYETTE Frenchman, friend of HAMILTON JOHN LAURENS Abolitionist, friend of HAMILTON HERCULES MULLIGAN Tailor’s apprentice, friend of HAMILTON

9 Dialogue Dialogue is lines spoken by the characters, and it is used to reveal their personalities = Character Traits. The name of the character who is to speak is listed usually in bold at the start of a line, followed by a colon : Every time the speaker changes, a new line is started. Dialogue is necessary in order to develop conflict and advance the plot.

10 Staging a play The production of a play involves directing the way the characters move, what they wear, the lighting, and the scenery. Stage directions are directions that tell characters how to speak or act, or directions telling the cast how sound, lighting, sets and props are used. Stage directions are written in parentheses. They ARE NOT read out loud.

11 Sets Sets are the scenery, backdrops, and furniture that create the setting.

12 Props Props are items that actors use onstage during the performance to support the action. Can be books, swords, food, dishes, toys, furniture, etc.

13 (Whether you are reading drama or watching a performance)
Enjoy the Show! (Whether you are reading drama or watching a performance)

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