Hinduism Cy-Woods HS 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism Cy-Woods HS 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism Cy-Woods HS

2 History of Hinduism Originated between 4000 and 2000 BC Polytheistic No single founder Vedas: the oldest scriptures of Hinduism Veda means “to know”

3 Basic Beliefs Karma - the law of cause and effect; “you reap what you sow” Reincarnation - eternal soul traverses through different bodies till it finds liberation

4 Hindu Basics 3rd largest religion in the world
837 million adherents 13% of the world’s population Practiced primarily in India and Nepal ~ 80% of Indians practice Hinduism

5 Hindu Basics Often considered the oldest religion in the world.
Has no founder Sanskrit is the ancient language of Hinduism. Hindu comes from the Persian word for the people living on the other side of the Indus River.

6 Four Goals of Human Life
Kama – fulfillment of desires Artha – accumulation of wealth Dharma – performance of social and religious duties Moksha – freedom from want

7 Vedas The ancient scriptures of Hinduism. A collection
of hymns, prayers, rituals, chants, etc… They are the sacred writings of Hinduism.

8 Concepts of god Most Hindu believe in a single god of the highest form. Brahman God is everywhere, is everything, and is beyond everything. god represents the very fabric of reality. People are thus part of Brahman as well.

9 Hindu Trinity Brahma - the Creator Vishnu - the Preserver
Shiva - the Destroyer Three aspects/powers of the same divine being

10 Ishvara The personal aspects of God.
Applying human traits to god to better communicate.

11 Brahma “Creator god”

12 Vishnu “preserver of the world”

13 Shiva “destroyer or transformer”

14 Nandi The vehicle of Shiva.
Often seen at the entrance to shrines of Shiva.

15 sacred animals Hindus believe that all living beings have a soul.

16 Holy Cow! Hindus have always had great respect for Mother Nature and its creatures Cow is especially significant because it symbolizes gentleness

17 Dharma Generally translated as “the law”.
Varies according to caste or class. Also seen in Buddhism and Sikhism. How one should live their life. Dharma determines karma

18 Karma Cause and effect “a fluttering butterfly’s wings causing a storm on the other side of the world” Unbalance in karma will be worked out in the next life. Goodness begets goodness and evil begets evil.

19 Samsara Sanskrit word referring to the cycle of reincarnation.

20 Symbolism in Hinduism

21 Practices Shrines and temples
Singing hymnals, reciting scriptures and chanting mantras.

22 Temple Worship Temples provide an atmosphere conducive for spiritual progress Centers of social and cultural activities Provide a place for collective worship and prayers

23 Bindi Help concentration and retain energy
Protect against demons or bad luck Traditionally indicated that a woman was married Worn all over South and South East Asia Not only Hindus

24 Pilgrimages and festivals
Holy cities in Hinduism Allahabad, Varanasi Holi Festival of Colors Diwali Festival of Lights Return of Lord Raama after defeating the demon king Ravana – ruler of Lanka

25 Ganges River Varanasi is considered by some to be the holiest site in Hinduism. On the banks of the Ganges R. Some believe they must bathe in it once in a lifetime Cleanse a persons soul from sins Heal the sick

26 Traditional Caste System in South Asia
The caste system is a type of SOCIAL ORDER in which a person’s occupation and position in life is determined by the circumstances of his/her birth. Traditional Caste System in South Asia

27 4 Original Levels of the Caste System
Brahmans Kshatriyas 4 Original Levels of the Caste System Vaisyas Sudras

28 Sudras Vaisyas Kshatriyas Brahmans Showing the original caste
levels in the pyramid shape symbolizes “status” from highest to lowest, but also represents the the portion of the population fitting into each level. Brahmans Kshatriyas **Remember that this social order is not based on how much $$ you have Vaisyas Sudras Largest % of population Untouchables are NOT a part of the caste system.

29 Brahmans: priests/ scholars

30 Kshatriyas: warriors

31 Vaisyas: farmers and merchants

32 sudras (artisans and laborers)

33 Untouchables (dalits)

34 Vaisyas: Merchants & farmers (most Woods families here)
Sudras: laborers Comparisons in the “West” Kshatriyas: Military leaders and politicians. Brahmins: Religious leaders & scholars

35 Be the change you wish to see in the world.
-Mohandas Gandhi Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu extremist in He died at the age of 79.

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