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Bellwork: Wed. Sept. 6 2017 1. The _____________________ of water is the result of ________________ to other surfaces and _____________ to itself.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Wed. Sept. 6 2017 1. The _____________________ of water is the result of ________________ to other surfaces and _____________ to itself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: Wed. Sept 1. The _____________________ of water is the result of ________________ to other surfaces and _____________ to itself.

2 Put these words in the proper order:
adhesion, surface tension and cohesion The _____________________ of water is the result of ______________________ to other surfaces and ______________________ to itself. surface tension adhesion cohesion

3 pH Values of Some Common Substances
Bellwork: Thurs. Sept 7, 2017 Use this chart to complete the statement below: pH Values of Some Common Substances Substance pH Hydrochloric acid 1.0 Lemon juice 2.2 Carbonated beverages 3.0 Coffee 5.0 Pure water 7.0 Blood 7.4 Detergent 9.0 Bleach 12.0 Hurry up! Because the 2nd question is on the next slide! 1.__________________ is the strongest acid with the most ________ ions, and _______________ is the strongest base with the most _________ ions

4 Water has high Specific Heat
Boiling point: 212°F or 99.98°C Isopropyl alcohol: Boiling Point 180.7°F or 82.6°C Water should have taken longer to boil, and longer to cool down




8 Chap 2 Section 3 Carbon Compounds:
The Chemistry of Carbon


10 Carbon is the 15th most abundant element of Earth's crust, and 4th most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen…


12 C present in all known life forms, and in the human body carbon is the 2nd most abundant element by mass (about 18.5%) after oxygen. Remember – Hydrogen is so very light!

13 Organic Chemistry : the study of all compounds that contain bonds between carbon atoms.
like in glucose C6H12O6.

14 are formed by a process known as polymerization.
Macromolecules… are formed by a process known as polymerization. Monomers: small units that can join together with other small units to form  Polymers large compounds formed from combinations of many monomers

15 Four groups of organic compounds found in living things are:
carbohydrates lipids nucleic acids proteins

16 What is the function of carbohydrates?
Source of Energy Structure

17 Carbohydrates… glucose
are compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, usually in a ratio of 1 : 2 : 1. glucose

18 Different sizes of carbohydrates: Monosaccharides “one” sugar Disaccharides “two” sugar Polysaccharides “many” sugar

19 Monosaccharides “one” sugar
include glucose, fructose, galactose, xylose and ribose – it’s in RNA!

20 Disaccharides “two” sugar Sucrose =
1 glucose and 1 fructose “stuck together”

21 Polysaccharides “many” sugar Starch Basically many glucose stuck together

22 Starches and sugars Examples: Cellulose Starch Glycogen
carbohydrates that are used by living things as a source of energy. Examples: Cellulose Starch Glycogen Starches and sugars are examples of carbohydrates that are used by living things as a source of energy. Starches form when sugars join together in a long chain. Glucose


24 Animals store excess sugar as glycogen, or animal starch. When the level of glucose in your blood runs low, glycogen is released from your liver. The glycogen stored in your muscles supplies the energy for muscle contraction and, thus, for movement.

25 Plants Use plant starch, to store excess sugar.
And make another important polysaccharide called cellulose. Tough, flexible cellulose fibers give plants much of their strength and rigidity. Cellulose is the major component of both wood and paper, so you are actually looking at cellulose when you are reading a textbook.

26 And it’s all C H and O!


28 Two layers of lipids = bilipid cell membrane

29 Lipids…. fats oils waxes steroids are generally not soluble in water.
The common categories of lipids are: fats oils waxes steroids

30 Lipids can be used to store energy
Lipids can be used to store energy. Some lipids are important parts of biological membranes and waterproof coverings. Bilipid Cell membrane


32 Corn starch

33 In between Finishing the Carbon Notes we did the Properties of Water Lab on Friday Sept 8 and Mon. Sept 11.

34 Bellwork: Fri. Sept. 8, 2017 What is “Organic”? In science: carbon C
To most people “organic” means: In science: Organic compounds – that contain ____________- hydrogen (__-H) bonds. “Naturally grown” - grown without chemical pesticides, not genetically modified, no growth hormones, locally grown… carbon C

35 Key: +++ dissolves (almost 100%) ++ or + partial dissolve 0 did not dissolve


37 Bellwork: Monday Sept. 11, 2017 1. Which has more H30+ (H+) ions: Vinegar or Bleach?____________ so it is____________ 2. Which has more OH- ions: Vinegar or Bleach?____________ so it is ____________ 3. Water has __________ H30+ (H+) and OH- ions so it is __________

38 Lipids

39 Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids are polymers assembled from individual monomers known as nucleotides.

40 phosphate group nitrogenous base Nucleotides consist of three parts:
5-carbon sugar phosphate group nitrogenous base

41 Nucleic acids store and transmit hereditary, or genetic, information.
ribonucleic acid (RNA) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

42 Proteins are macromolecules that contain nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
polymers of molecules called amino acids.

43 The portion of each amino acid that is different is a side chain called an R-group.

44 The instructions for arranging amino acids into many different proteins are stored in DNA.
Protein Molecule Amino Acids Proteins help to carry out chemical reactions, transport small molecules in and out of cells, and fight diseases. Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids folded into complex structures.

45 Some functions of proteins:
Control rate of reactions – Enzymes Used to form bones and muscles Transport substances into or out of cells Help to fight disease - antibodies

46 2–3 Large carbohydrate molecules such as starch are known as lipids.
monosaccharides. proteins. polysaccharides.

47 2–3 Many lipids are formed from glycerol and fatty acids.
monosaccharides. amino acids. nucleic acids.

48 2–3 Proteins are among the most diverse macromolecules because
they contain both amino groups and carboxyl groups. they can twist and fold into many different and complex structures. they contain nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. their R groups can be either acidic or basic.

49 2–3 Which of the following statements about cellulose is true?
Animals make it and use it to store energy. Plants make it and use it to store energy. Animals make it and use it as part of the skeleton. Plants make it and use it to give structural support to cells.

50 2–3 A major difference between polysaccharides and proteins is that
plants make polysaccharides, while animals make proteins. proteins are made of monomers, while polysaccharides are not. polysaccharides are made of monosaccharides, while proteins are made of amino acids. proteins carry genetic information, while polysaccharides do not.

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