FEEDBACK RESULTS How does Student Participation in their Learning Environment enhance their Self Esteem?

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Presentation on theme: "FEEDBACK RESULTS How does Student Participation in their Learning Environment enhance their Self Esteem?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FEEDBACK RESULTS How does Student Participation in their Learning Environment enhance their Self Esteem?

2 QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire - based on last years EXCEL project together with this years SDP. Complete confidentiality. Only 5 important questions - Easy- Quick to fill in. RESPONSE RATE 45%

3 AIM To know what teachers are working on during this scholastic year and their feedback on the students participation Teachers recommendations

4 A DIFFERENT TEACHING APPROACH Mostly used: Use of interesting projects Discussions Use of different resources- increasing use of ict. Least used: Display of students work- in recommendations this was given importance

5 CHANGES IN DISCIPLINARY INTERACTIONS Mostly used: Listen to what student has to say after his behaviour Speak to student and state the wrong behaviour Explain misbehaviour before punishment is given Least used: Use different consequences regularly

6 POSITIVE FEEDBACK 100% - Everyone uses positive feedback Mostly used: Directly praising the student Praising students for slightest improvement Rewarding students with good reports, marks, giving a role/ duty in class etc… Least used: Displaying work in class – teachers in recommendations said this would help to improve students self-esteem

7 CHANGE IN STUDENT PARTICIPATION POSITIVE CHANGES Most teachers have seen an increase in the students participation All have made adjustments in their teaching approach in class

8 CHANGE IN STUDENT PARTICIPATION No CHANGE Very few teachers Most have not changed anything in their teaching approach or have continued using their usual strategies.

9 MAIN FINDINGS Most teachers who didnt see any change in student participation: Didnt change any of their teaching approach or just slightly Have always used all/most methods All those who saw an increase in participation changed teaching methods, disciplinary actions and positive feedback A Great Effort- resulting in change in participation

10 TEACHER RECOMMENDATIONS Importance and need of positive feedback & support from SMT– to staff Teachers experience +ve and very satisfied with the support shown- feels good! One set of regulations for ALL the staff – imp to be reinforced More display of students work- Need for more display boards in corridors More resources and training Treat students like humans


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