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Focus Vocabulary 7th Grade World History

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1 Focus Vocabulary 7th Grade World History
The Reformation Focus Vocabulary 7th Grade World History

2 Great Schism The split in the Church in 1378.

3 Indulgence A pardon for sin granted by the Church in exchange for a monetary donation.


5 Martin Luther The man who called for the Church to reform in his 95 Theses

6 Ninety-Five Theses A document written by Martin Luther that listed his complaints against the Catholic Church.

7 The Reformation The movement of opposition to the Catholic Church


9 Protestant A Christian who broke away from the Catholic Church

10 Predestination The belief that people are chosen for salvation before they are born.

11 John Calvin A reformer who believed in predestination and started a type of Protestantism called Calvinism

12 King Henry VIII Founder of the Church of England (Anglican Church) who did not recognize the pope as its leader

13 Printing Press The printing press made mass production of literature, like the Bible, possible

14 Vernacular The common language of an area

15 The Counter Reformation
The Catholic Church’s effort to stop the spread of Protestantism

16 Jesuits A religious order formed by Ignatius of Loyola in the 1530s focused on obedience and discipline

17 Inquisition A court established to investigate people who disagreed with the Catholic Church

18 Missionary A person who goes to foreign areas to do religious work and spread his/her religion

19 Federalism The sharing of power between an organization (such as the Church or government) and its members


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