Screen Writing Brylee Huber.

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1 Screen Writing Brylee Huber

2 Screen Writing Screen writing might seem like an easy, unimportant job, but it isn’t. Screen writing requires you to be knowledgeable in the dramatic arts and also requires you to be able to connect to your audience. Sometimes you have to do something to a character you do not like, but your audience will.

3 Screens VS books When writing in a novel format, you are in the characters head. You have them think things, form opinions, and can easily know what is going on around them and how they feel about it. Screen writing is much more difficult. You not only have to plan where the characters come in at, how they say things, and what they say, but you also have to make it clear what your characters are thinking without actually hearing it.

4 Screenplay Example Book Example
Books are written exactly how they are read, but screen plays are written line by line, scene change by scene change. Screenplay Example Book Example

5 What I found most important
What I wrote about in my project was not my project. I wrote about how post-trauma can effect people when they go to war, but I actually learned how to write it. The most important thing about writing is making something both emotional and realistic, so people get attached.

6 What I wish I wish I could have spent more time on all of it. Since I missed so many days of this class, I was not able to finish my script, but I still learned quite a bit about screen writing.

7 Websites 39da5e4e93eb9c92ccd4682ea8afb76b.jpg (JPEG Image, 450 × 346 Pixels) - Scaled (0%). N.p. Web. 9 Dec “a2528a4100d33ec475a3b b2.jpg (JPEG Image, 611 × 611 Pixels) - Scaled (58%).” N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov

8 Blogging Brylee Huber

9 Blogging This semester I picked a project that was both fun and difficult. Blogging is a much harder process than many might think. It requires you to have good time management and a creative side, or else nothing would get done. It also requires you to be patient and motivated, because page views do not come easily. In this process, I learned a lot more technical lessons.

10 Blog Design Before I started this project, I had minimal experience working with a blog, but it was hardly a starter for the large amount of designs you could make your blog. Just the basics would background, font, font color, and layout. However, there are many more components to each thing. Just with the words you can change each header, title, post, and side bar to different fonts, colors, and sizes. The background can be changed using one of their themes or pictures, or your on picture.

11 Stats The stats page is like the scale when you are on a diet. It is the “I want to look, but I don’t want to be disappointed” page. Well, just like a diet, you will be disappointed a few times. You just have to be aware that page views do not come incredibly easily and that it takes an effort from you. When my page views were not (and they still are not) very high, I put a link on my personal Pinterest page. Since this is a school project, I decided not to connect it to Instagram, but that is another good way to get views.

12 Time Management Blogging is hard for many reasons. Like I mentioned earlier, you have to have great time management, which I only kind of have. Other than actually finding time to write a post every week, you have to make sure you post the drafts at your usual time. Luckily, though, Blogger has an Automatic time option that allows you to set a time that it will post. Here is how you do it: Open up your draft or a new post and make sure that it is finished. Then, all you have to do is click on the schedule button on the right of the page, select “set date and time”, decide when you want it to post, and hit done.

13 Difficulties Other than time management, the difficulties of blogging is finding the motivation to write. That is why, when picking what your blog is about, you have to choose something that interests you. My blog is a ‘survival guide’ for everyday life, but sometimes my posts do not fit with that. However, this is okay. Because as long as you are passionate about what you are writing about, there are no rules.

14 What My blog Actually Is
My blog is called Brylee’s Survival Guide, and it is basically my opinions on how to deal with common life problems. Obviously, I will get a lot of things wrong, but that is why I chose the word “opinion”. Like I mentioned earlier, my blog wanders a few times, but I make sure to really care about what I am writing about.

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