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The Wellness Wheel.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wellness Wheel."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wellness Wheel

2 The Flat Tire Theory What happens when you have a flat tire?
Makes it difficult to steer straight Makes the ride bumpy and shaky Makes steering difficult Causes you to not reach your destination

3 Tires and Wellness Why are tires like wellness?
When tires are round, the ride is smoother When your wellness is more rounded, the smoother your personal journey

4 What is Wellness? Wellness goes beyond physical fitness
Wellness encompasses aspects of who we are: Social Emotional Intellectual Physical Spiritual Occupational

5 Aspect #1 – Social Wellness
Relationships, respect, community interaction How we relate to others How we connect, communicate and get along with the people we are surrounded by

6 Aspect #2 – Spiritual Wellness
Meaning, values Establish peace and harmony in our lives Ability to discover meaning and purpose in life

7 Aspect #3 – Emotional Wellness
Feelings, emotions, reactions, cognition In touch with your feelings and emotions of sorrow, joy, love, etc. Helps us to cope with the emotional challenges of life

8 Aspect #4 – Occupational Wellness
Skills, finances, balance, satisfaction Finding fulfillment in your job and knowing that it has meaning Ability to establish balance between work and leisure time

9 Aspect #5 – Intellectual Wellness
Critical thinking, creativity, curiosity Desire to be a lifelong learner Ability to be open to new experiences and ideas in order to continue growing

10 Aspect #6 – Physical Wellness
Body, nutrition, healthy habits Overall health and what you need to do to maintain a healthy quality of life Ability to take charge of your health by making conscious decisions to be healthy

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