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Ms. Bonner, Ms. Perry, Mr. Hammons, Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Wilson

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Bonner, Ms. Perry, Mr. Hammons, Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Wilson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Bonner, Ms. Perry, Mr. Hammons, Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Wilson
Welcome to 3rd Grade! Ms. Bonner, Ms. Perry, Mr. Hammons, Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Wilson

2 Promotion Requirements
A score at or above a Level 3 on FSA Language Arts A score at or above a Level 3 on FSA in Math Mastery of all Florida State Standards at 70% proficiency.

3 Please visit the link below to set up your account
Parent Portal THE NEW FOCUS PARENT PORTAL IS NOW OPEN!! Please visit the link below to set up your account

4 Grading Policy A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69%
F= 59% and below Grading Breakdown: Tests 80% Homework 10% Classwork 10%

5 The “BIG” Test We are working hard in class to be prepared but parent involvement is so important! This year students will be taking the FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) to measure students success with the Florida standards in Language Arts and Math. Students’ tests will be scored from a Level 1 – Level 5 in both Language Arts and Math as it has been scored in the past. Please visit the website listed below to gain access to lots of practice materials. This will give you child the confidence they need to be “Game Ready!”

6 FSA Math

7 FSA Reading

8 First bell rings at 8:25, 2nd bell rings @ 8:30.
Absences/ Tardies If your child is absent be sure to provide the front office with an excuse letter. First bell rings at 8:25, 2nd bell 8:30. After 8:30 YOUR child is tardy and child “MUST” go through front office & get a tardy slip.

9 Transportation Each child now has an established routine of how he or she gets home from school. If, for any reason, your child must change his/her mode of transportation home, he/she MUST have a written note reflecting this change. If there is no communication, your child will be sent to their regular area for pick up.

10 Binders/Homework Folder
Parents should check students’ binder/folder daily. Parents can contact their student’s teacher by: Writing notes in the student bonder or sending notes . Calling and/or leaving a message on the teacher’s voic . Scheduling a conference. Class Dojo Homework is given on a weekly basis.

11 Communication/Conferences
Sign Up sheet First Nine Weeks-mandatory Second-Fourth Nine Weeks Communication Phone Class Dojo

12 Volunteers Security Forms Schedule for volunteers
Trips/Special Activities Requirements of a Chaperone

13 I am looking forward to a fantastic year with your student!
Have a great night! I am looking forward to a fantastic year with your student!

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