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Welcome Fifth Grade Parents Mrs. L. Johnson & Mrs. K. Wiebe Kreinhop Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Fifth Grade Parents Mrs. L. Johnson & Mrs. K. Wiebe Kreinhop Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Fifth Grade Parents Mrs. L. Johnson & Mrs. K. Wiebe Kreinhop Elementary

2 Your Child’s Teachers Mrs. Johnson is the Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. Mrs. Wiebe is the Math and Science teacher. Students will spend half of the instructional day with each teacher (not counting PE, Music, Lunch).

3 Daily Schedule 8:00 - 9:15 AM Announcements and class time. 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM PE/Music/Art (M-F) 10:00 - 11:35 am 11:35 am Switch classes 12:20 – 1:05 pm Lunch/Recess 1:00 - 3:00 3:00 Prepare for dismissal

4 Attendance Please do everything you can to help your child be on time for school. Students who are late getting to class have less time gathering their materials and are rushed in preparing for the day.

5 Attendance Students are considered tardy if they are not in their seats when the bell rings at 8:20 AM.

6 Communication Tuesday folder –Please check all papers. Graded work will be sent home. –Your child will have two folders, one from each teacher. Please sign the sheets in each one and return on Wednesday. –Student Communication cards are also sent in the folder. Sign and return these also. –Be sure to sign on the correct date.

7 Communication Contact information, including email and phone numbers, is in your child’s agenda. Phone calls –Please leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible. –If you need to make a change in transportation, please call the front office directly.

8 Communication District Elementary Conference Day/ Conferencia de Padres/Maestra: Monday, October 13, 2014. Please sign up today on the sheets (with homeroom teacher only!). 15 minute slots from 8:00—11:00, and in the afternoon from 2:00—5:00. Please be prompt for the meetings.

9 Communication You can access websites for any Kreinhop teacher through the Klein homepage.

10 Student Agendas Students are responsible for recording all assignments and upcoming assessments in their agendas. Students are also responsible for updating their agendas daily. Any upcoming events are also noted.

11 Grading Language Arts –Language/Composition (50%): Minimum of 3 major grades and 5 minor grades –Reading (50%): Minimum of 3 major grades and 8 minor grades Math Minimum of 3 major grades and 9 minor grades Science Minimum of 3 major grades and 6 minor grades Social Studies Minimum of 3 major grades and 6 minor grades

12 Assignments Proper heading is required on all assignments. Show all strategies and work. Turn in assignments on time! Always use best spelling and handwriting.

13 Missed Assignments Check make-up file for assignments after an absence or early dismissal. KISD policy: 1 day for each day you are absent. After the third day absent, you can request homework and pick it up in the office at the end of the day. Class work and homework are not given in advance for early dismissals or absences.

14 Redoing Work Major tests can be corrected to raise the grade to a maximum of 70. A parent must sign the original test. Do not make any changes to the original. Students must write the correct answer choice on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Show all work. Corrected tests must be turned in by Friday.

15 Promotion to Sixth Grade 70 or above in Language Arts and Math. Overall average of 70 in all subject areas (Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies)

16 5 th Grade STAAR Math Monday, March 30, 2015 Reading Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Science Wednesday, April 22, 2015

17 Dress Code Tennis shoes are the most appropriate shoes for school. Skirts and shorts must be approaching the knee. No muscle shirts or spaghetti straps No head coverings (hats, handkerchiefs) Make-up should not be brought to school

18 How to Help Your Child Succeed in 5 th Grade Teach your child to be organized. –Supplies in order –Backpack in order –Homework put in an easy to find place Discuss homework and upcoming school events with your child. –Is there a test coming up? –Do you have a project to work on? –When is it due? –Is there anything that I need to sign for you?

19 Success! Help your student study for tests. –Go over study guides together. Make sure your child goes to bed early and eats a good breakfast in the morning.

20 The PTO Needs You! Please join the PTO. The PTO Supplies food, drinks, crafts and games for classroom parties, for student appreciation days, equipment for our playground, and much, much more!

21 Thank you for coming. Join PTO today!

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