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World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I

2 Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

3 Militarism Countries were building up their armies

4 Alliances Triple Entente Triple Alliance Great Britain France Russia
Germany Austria-Hungary Italy

5 The Alliance system

6 Imperialism

7 nationalism

8 Label the following: Britain France Italy Germany Austria- Hungary The Balkans Russia Africa Belgium

9 The spark that ignited wwi
What “sparked” World War I? Unrest in the Balkans Bosnians felt abused under the rule of Austria-Hungary Goal: To create a “Greater Serbia” (unite the Slavic people) This movement was strongly supported by Mother Russia This is NATIONALISM


11 The Assassination June 28, 1914
Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria’s heir to the throne) was assassinated by a Bosnian Serb Nationalist while on a good will trip to Sarajevo, Bosnia. This spark would ignite the war.

12 The Assassination cont.
Shot by Gavrillo Princip, a member of the Black Hand Causes Horrible History Video History Channel Video – only first part

13 Alliances start playing out
Austria declared war on Serbia Russia supported Serbia (mother country w/ethnic ties) Germany sided w/Austria & declared war on Russia France was obligated to help Russia & Great Britain to help France By August 5, 1914, Europe was engulfed in war!

14 How the alliances played out
July 28 – AH declares war on Serbia Aug 1 – Germany declares war on Russia Aug 2 – France invaded by Germany Aug 3 – Germany declares war on France Aug 4 – Britain declares are on Germany Aug 6 – AH declares war on Russia Aug 12 – France declares war on AH Aug 12 – England declares war on AH

15 Meant to avoid a 2 front war failed
Schlieffen Plan Meant to avoid a 2 front war failed The Frontline: where the fighting is taking place Western Front would mostly be in France Area between armies was known as “no man’s land” Fighting two fronts puts a giant strain on resources and man power

16 Video: Schlieffen Plan

17 The 2 sides of WWI The Allies (the good guys) Germany Austria-Hungary
Central Powers (the bad guys) The Allies (the good guys) Germany Austria-Hungary Turkey Bulgaria Italy gives up their alliance with Germany and joins the Allies England France Russia The US (joins in April, 1917)

18 THE great War Eventually 50 countries would join the war

19 America Joins World War I

20 Before the US joined the war
Practiced neutrality Problems with neutrality Traded with both sides but we had closer bonds with Great Britain (we were more like them: language, government, customs) By 1917, we had leant $2.3 billion to the Allies

21 Sinking of the Lusitania (May 7, 1915)
Problem #1 Sinking of the Lusitania (May 7, 1915) 128 Americans die

22 Problem #2 Germany was using unrestricted submarine warfare

23 Problem #3 The Zimmerman note – a secret note to Mexico, asking them to declare war on the US

24 Problem #4 Russia leaves the war in 1917 Bye, Bye Russia

25 April 6, 1917 The US enters the war

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