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AP United States History

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1 AP United States History
Chapter 2 Reading Notes: “The Planting of English America”

2 Reading Notes Navigation
These reading notes are to assist students with understanding the reading and preparing for quizzes. Before each slide there will be an image slide that will give you some clue to why that information is particularly important. Here are the different images and how they correspond to the reading notes:

3 Important to The Story Slides with this image in front of it indicate that the information may not be on quizzes or assessments, but is crucial to understanding the larger picture of the material.

4 Important to the Quiz Slides with this image in front of it indicate that the information on this slide is crucial to doing well on the quiz, often containing answers to the quiz guide.

5 Important to the Exam Slides with this image in front of it indicate that the information on this slide is crucial to doing well on the unit, final, and national exams.



8 English Motivations The English, who were initially uninterested in colonization, become engaged globally for the following reasons: A) The ascension of Protestantism as the dominant religion in England, providing conflict with Catholic Spain. B) The actions of Queen Elizabeth I, who directly and indirectly sponsored English colonization C) The defeat of the Spanish Armada, which signaled the decline of the Spanish as a world power and the birth of the English Empire.


10 The Rise of England English immigration to the New World began earnestly for the following reasons: A) The enclosure movement, in which wealthy landowners pushed small farmers off land, creating an appetite for immigration. B) The policy of primogeniture, in which only first born sons were able to inherit land. This would lead other siblings to seek out the New World to get land of their own. C) The advent of the joint-stock company, a preferred method of investment because the financial risks were spread out among many, instead of one. This would lead to increased financing to the New World.


12 Jamestown A joint-stock company, the Virginia Company, financed the first permanent English settlement in the New World at Jamestown. The colony was intended to be temporary and generate wealth for its investors. The group was given the Virginia Charter, granting settlers all the rights of Englishmen in the New World. The colony struggled from the very beginning because many were more focused on hunting for gold, not food. John Smith organized the colony by forcing the group to focus on survival and not wealth; with the assistance of Native Americans in the area, the colony was able to survive and thrive.


14 English and Indian Clashes
The Powhatans were dominant force in the Chesapeake before English colonization; they tried to coexist with the British, but these efforts would quickly prove futile. The First Anglo-Powhatan War saw the English destroy Native homes and food. A brief peace treaty ended the fighting, but not the conflict. The Second Anglo-Powhatan War resulted in an English victory and the removal of the Powhatans from their ancestral land. Furthermore, the British gave up all notions of assimilation with Native peoples.


16 The Alteration of Native Life
Your text describes Native Americans as victims of the 3D’s: disease, disorganization, and disposability. Additionally, Native life in the New World was altered by European immigration in the following manners: 1) The introduction of the horse led to migration to the Great Plains 2) Disease destroyed Native American life more than anything else; the consequences were irreversible 3) The Atlantic trade economy left Native Americans at an incredible disadvantage


18 Virginia The dominant crop in Virginia was tobacco, allowing the colony to thrive, as demand grew in England. Tobacco placed a heavy toil on the soil, making long-term production an issue. Additionally, the English crown took steps to reduce consumption of the crop in England. These factors would lead to massive fluctuations in profits. The Virginia government was led by the House of Burgesses, described as a many Parliament that set a precedent to allow the colonists to meet and discuss issues.


20 Maryland Maryland was founded by the businessman Lord Baltimore. His twin goals in the founding the colony was to make a profit and provide a haven for Catholics in the New World. Baltimore regulated the colony under the feudal system, giving his Catholic relatives large plots of land. Although the colony thrived because of the tobacco trade, resentment from non-Catholics in the backcountry left the Baltimore family out of control. To preserve the intent of the colony, many Catholics in the region were able to help pass the Maryland Act of Toleration; the law gave religious freedom to all Christians.


22 The West Indies The unwillingness (and inability) of the Spanish to control their Caribbean holdings led to English gaining control of the West Indies. The dominant crop in the West Indies was sugar; unlike tobacco, sugar cultivation was extremely expensive and required extensive work. African peoples were brought into the region and enslaved. To maintain control legislation, such as the Barbados Slave Code, were adopted. Laws such as this were instrumental in stripping away basic human rights from people of African descent. The sugar trade pushed small farmers to the Carolina colony; some brought their slaves.


24 The Carolinas The end of the English Civil War reenergized the colonial spirit of the English, leading to the Restoration Period of settlement. Carolina became the first English colony established in this era. A significant amount of settlers were from the West Indies and they quickly established a slave-based labor force. African slaves were largely involved in the cultivation of rice because they were familiar with the methods and had immunity to malaria. North Carolina emerged as a colony from those that were “rejected” from the aristocracy of Virginia and New England. The major economic activity in the colony was the timber trade.


26 Georgia Georgia, the last of the original American colonies, was established to serve as a buffer against Spanish aggression from the Florida area. James Oglethorpe and others involved with the founding also hoped that Georgia would serve as a refuge for those in debtors’ prison in England. Although the population of Georgia was relatively small, it quickly became a melting pot of diversity. In later years the colony would develop the same pattern as its Southern peers, devoted to staple crops, often based on African slave labor.

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