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Unit 2: Hinduism The World’s 3rd Largest Religion

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1 Unit 2: Hinduism The World’s 3rd Largest Religion
About 1 billion followers- 15% of the world's population.

2 The World’s Oldest Living Religion
Traces back to the Indus Valley Civilization No individual founder-developed over time Dominates modern day India and Sri Lanka

3 The Basics The worshipped Universal Spirit of Hinduism is Brahman
Absolute, unchanging, ultimate reality that exists beyond the everyday world Power to take different forms Embodies the concept that: The entire universe is seen as one divine entity who is simultaneously at one with the universe and who transcends it as well. 

4 The Cycle of Samsara Endless cycle of Hinduism; includes: life, death, and rebirth. Reincarnation Hindus hope to eventually be freed of this cycle Karma: the power that keeps the Samsara cycle going This also refers to the actions performed by each individual during their lifetime. Good actions take Hindus toward a better rebirth and bad actions toward a poorer rebirth

5 Other beliefs of Hinduism
Humans can be reborn as an animal The release from the Samsara Cycle is known as Moksha- You can only achieve this when one replaces their ignorance with wisdom.

6 Dharma People live their lives according to this
Dharma is the behavior or duty that governs lives An individual’s duty is determined by their position in society and by the stage of life they have reached.

7 4 Social Groups of Hinduism
Priests and Teachers Rulers and the Military Merchants Manual Workers

8 Customs Vedas-collection of prayers and teachings
Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic religions. They recognize a single deity, and view other gods and goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God.

9 The Ramayana Example of Hindu Literature Written 2500 years ago
correct behavior of living one’s dharma code of right and moral behavior in Indian/Hindu Society


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