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Psychology Bell Work 1st Quarter – 2018-2019.

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1 Psychology Bell Work 1st Quarter –

2 Tuesday, September 11 A psychologist is a person who…
Define psychology.

3 Wednesday, September 12 A friend tells you that she would really like to study psychology in college, but she is not sure that she would want to sit in an office and listen to people talk about their problems all day. How would you encourage your friend to pursue her interest in psychology? What would you say to her?

4 Thursday, September 13 Write down three things you can recall about psychology as a science. (Definition, goals, research, subfields, etc.)

5 Friday, September 14 The issue of heredity vs. environment has always been a debated topic. Think about the person you are today. How much of “you” is a result of heredity? How much of “you” is a result of the environment in which you live?

6 Monday, September 17 Write down one fact that you can recall about 3 of the men listed below. Sir Francis Galton Ivan Pavlov John Watson B.F. Skinner

7 Tuesday, September 18 Write down five things that you have learned from this chapter.

8 Wednesday, September 19 No bell work today.

9 Monday, September 24 Think about learning to ride a bike. How does one learn to ride a bike? What is involved in this process?

10 How would you define learning?
Thursday, September 20 How would you define learning? What are some different ways in which we learn? Assignment – Define the Chapter 2 Key Terms on page 23

11 Tuesday, September 25 What can you recall about Classical Conditioning?

12 Wednesday, September 26 Jordan is a three-year-old who always loves playing with balloons. One day while Jordan was playing with the balloon, it popped. The loud noise upset him and he cried. Ever since that day, whenever he sees a red balloon, he starts to cry. Identify the following based on the scenario: Neutral Stimulus (NS) Unconditoned stimulus (UCS) Unconditioned response (UCR) Conditioned stimulus (CS) Conditioned response (CR)

13 Thursday, September 27 Give your own example of classical conditioning. This could be from your life or something that you observed. If you can’t think of anything, explain an example of something that could be considered classical conditioning. Explain the UCS, UCR, CS, and the CR.

14 Monday, October 1 What can you recall about operant conditioning?

15 Tuesday, October 2 Briefly explain the schedules of reinforcement:
Fixed ratio Variable ratio Fixed Interval Variable Interval

16 Wednesday, October 3 Explain reinforcements and punishments can influence our behavior.

17 Thursday, October 4 Give an example for each of the following:
Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment

18 Friday, October 5 What are some factors that could affect (influence) learning? These could be positive or negative.

19 Monday, October 8 Sometimes we learn things from simply watching other people. Give three examples of things that you have learned strictly from observation, not necessarily by doing.

20 Tuesday, October 9 Write down 3 things that you can recall from the section on factors that affect learning?

21 Wednesday, October 12 Which learning theory (classical, operant, or social) do you think contributes the most to your learning? Explain your choice.

22 Thursday, October 11 Explain how modeling, observation, and disinhibition contribute to our learning experiences.

23 Monday, October 15 Explain how your life would be if you had no memory.

24 Tuesday, October 16 Write down everything that you did yesterday that did NOT involve memory.

25 Wednesday, October 17 In your opinion, how good is your memory? Explain!

26 Thursday, October 18 No bell work today.

27 Friday, October 19 Explain how selective attention and feature extraction help us to narrow down sensory inputs.

28 Monday, October 22 In what ways do sensory memory and short term memory differ? In what ways are they similar?

29 Tuesday, October 23 Write down 5 things that you can recall about long-term memory.

30 Wednesday, October 24 What do you think causes you to forget information, events, people’s names, etc.?

31 Thursday, October 25 Write down three things that you learned about retrieving information from memory.

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