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Unit 2 - English Colonies - Southern & Middle Colonies

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1 Unit 2 - English Colonies - Southern & Middle Colonies

2 Bell Ringer: What are going to be some challenges that the settlers face when living in America?

3 When is Thanksgiving? Colonizing America

4 English Settlement in America
Virginia Company receive a charter to settle in the New World from King James I leads to establishment of Jamestown VA Company was a joint stock company: many people invest (by buying shares) with the goal of making money

5 English Settlement in America
Jamestown - 1607 first permanent English settlement in New World located in Virginia 144 English men and boys almost did not survive only 38 of the original settlers alive after the first year

6 English Settlement in America
Challenges faced at Jamestown disease (malaria) famine (starvation) everyone concerned w/ finding gold instead of planting food!!!!!!! Indian attacks brutal winters

7 English Settlement in America
In 1608, Captain John Smith took control and whipped colonists into shape “no work, no food” policy colonists had to farm for 4 hours each day explored the area, made maps, est. good relations w/ local Indians captured by Powhatan tribe and saved (maybe???) by Pocahontas

8 Jamestown

9 English Settlement in America
Winter “The Starving Time” disease and hunger two colonists executed for raiding the colonists’ stores one colonist resorted to cannibalism and ate his own wife about 100 colonists survive out of 500

10 English Settlement in America
What discovery will ensure the survival of the Jamestown settlement? Tobacco!

11 English Settlement in America
1612 John Rolfe planted the 1st “cash crop” TOBACCO for the colony Huge hit in England and saves the colony Jamestown colony now very profitable later Rolfe and Pocahontas marry gave peace btwn the colonists and Powhatan tribe do you think this peace will last???

12 English Settlement in America
NO. Eight years later the Powhatan Indians will attack, killing 347 settlers - including John Rolfe The second war resulted in the Indians being removed from land 90% of Indian population wiped out from disease/warfare - When settlers began to grow food they had no more use for their previous Indian allies

13 English Settlement in America
Colonists begin to rule themselves locally... create the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1619 (Jamestown) First law making representative assembly in America the people voted for their elected officials only white landowning males could be elected modeled after English Parliament

14 English Settlement in America
Bacon’s Rebellion more colonists move westward causing clashes with Native Americans ppl moving west and ppl on coast have two different opinions about N.A. west: most likely poor indentured servants who want to expand west on land reserved for Native Americans east (coast): wealthy upper class who are trading with Native Americans for fur…don’t want to upset them Governor Berkeley favored the positive relations with Native Americans and demanded the colonists to do so as well

15 English Settlement in America
Nathaniel Bacon tobacco planter on the frontier (aristocrat) launches an attack on Jamestown in 1676 army was a bunch of indentured servants (~500) able to get control of Jamestown Bacon gets sick and dies and rebellion collapses Effects Jamestown burned down House of Burgess open more land in the frontier to settlers Colonists rely more on slave labor than indentured servants (fear of uprising)

16 Types of Colonies Proprietary: Founded by private individuals, power to make and execute laws Royal: Under direct control of the King of England, who would appoint a governor Self-governing: King grants charter to a joint-stock company and company develops government independent of the crown

17 Southern Colonies Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina

18 Maryland Catholics facing persecution in England
Catholic leaders decide to settle an all-Catholic colony 1632: King Charles I grant charter to: Lord Baltimore (a wealthy, Catholic aristocrat) Become proprietary colony Named after Catholic Queen Mary Many Catholic and Protestants…..many issues Maryland Act of Toleration Religious toleration to ALL Christians EXCEPT: Jews, atheists and others who didn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ… death penalty

19 Carolinas King Charles II was interested in the unsettled lands b/w VA and Spanish Florida Open to all Christians…hoping to bring other from less tolerant colonies 1633 Flourished by developing close economic ties with the West Indies Many original Carolina settlers had come from Barbados and brought strict “slave codes” for ruling slaves African slaves were hired to work on rice plantations b/c resistance to malaria and familiar with rice Regions separate when investors sold their land in the north to the crown…thus creating NC and SC

20 Carolinas Separate….1712 SC NC Ppl more aristocratic and wealthier
Had ports, Charles Towne Farmed sugar cane, tobacco, rice and indigo Rely on slave labor…from West Indies NC Ppl strong willed and independent minded Developed strong resistance to authority Lacked good ports and population was sparse Begin to grow tobacco Use pine/pine tar for commercial goods Major cities located in east - New Bern, Bath

21 Georgia Last colony Intended to be a buffer zone b/w British colonies and hostile Spanish settlements in Florida 1720 James Oglethorpe wanted to establish a colony for poor debtors (prisoners) to get a fresh start Was a humanitarian…person interested in improving ppls lives Earned charter in 1732 by King George II…who colony named after Founded Savannah Ga All Christians except Catholics enjoyed religious toleration

22 Middle Colonies Pennsylvania Delaware New York New Jersey

23 Pennsylvania Founded by William Penn Settled by Quakers
Philly: Called “City of Brotherly love” Settled by Quakers Believed in the equality of men and women Non-violent Church beliefs: No hierarchy of church (no priests no bishops no minsters) Simple meetings everyone speaks Germans loved the farmland Amish

24 Delaware Royal colony Originally colony of Swedes, then by Dutch and later seized by England Given to William Penn so he could have access to the Delaware River Religious freedom for Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish groups

25 New York Explored by the Dutch in 1609
Allowed all religions and nationalities Originally named New Amsterdam 1674 English will fight for the land with Dutch and finally seize it King James II will rename it New York Royal colony

26 New Jersey Part of the state was settled by Dutch and Swedish
In 1664 the entire area was surrendered to the English, and given its name. Lord Berkeley

27 Pocahontas
The New World Movie (4:33) Disney (2:20) Document A and Document B Comparison….

28 Document A Arriving in Werowocomoco, the emperor welcomed me with good words and great platters of food. He promised me his friendship and my freedom within four days He asked me why we came and why we went further with our boat He promised to give me what I wanted and to feed us if we made him hatchets and copper. I promised to do this. And so, with all this kindness, he sent me home. Source: Excerpt from John Smith’s book A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of that Colony, published in 1608.

29 Document B They brought me to Meronocomoco, where I saw Powhatan, their Emperor. Two great stones were brought before Powhatan. Then I was dragged by many hands, and they laid my head on the stones, ready to beat out my brains. Pocahontas, the King’s dearest daughter took my head in her arms and laid down her own upon it to save me from death. Then the Emperor said I should live. Two days later, Powhatan met me and said we were friends. He told me to bring him two guns and a grindstone and he would consider me his son. Source: Excerpt from Smith’s later version of the story in General History of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles, published in 1624.

30 Exit Ticket: Why would John Smith tell two different accounts of the natives and Pocahontas?

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