Verba Latina.

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Presentation on theme: "Verba Latina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verba Latina

2 Latina Verba quattuor partes habent.
First Principal Part Is the first person singular, present tense form. E.g. amo - I love Second Principal Part Is the infinitive form. E.g. amare - to love

3 Third Principal Part Fourth Principal Part
Is the first person singular, perfect tense form. E.g. amavi - I loved Fourth Principal Part Is the perfect passive participle. E.g. amatum - having been loved

4 How do you know what conjugation a verb belongs to?
There are four verb conjugations. Look at the second principle part.

5 Look at the second principle part!
First conjugation ending: -are Second conjugation ending: -ere Third conjugation ending: -ere Fourth conjugation ending: -ire

6 Normal Principle Part Endings
First: -o, -are, -avi, -atum Second: -eo, -ere, -i, -um Third: -o, -ere, -i, -um Third-io: -io, -ere, -i, -um Fourth: -io, -ire, -ivi, -itum

7 To form the present tense...
Remove -re from infinitive to form present stem. Add these personal endings for active: (m) / o -- mus s -- tis t -- nt Add these personal endings for passive: r -- mur ris -- mini tur --ntur

8 First and Second conjugations

9 Third conjugation In third conjugation, the short -e of the stem runs away. You are left with no vowel in the stem, so an “i” takes its place.

10 Third Conjugation -io Third conjugation is conjugated like fourth conjugation in that it has an -i in its present stem.

11 Third -io and Fourth Conjugations

12 Imperfect Tense The imperfect tense is used for ongoing actions that occur in the past. Use “was”/”were”, “used to” or “began to” in order to translate into English. The sign of the imperfect tense in Latin is always -ba-.

13 First and Second Conjugations

14 Third and Fourth conjugations
In third and fourth conjugations, the short -e reappears before the -ba. In third -io and fourth conjugations, you have -ie- before the -ba.

15 Third and Fourth Conjugations

16 Future Tense The future tense is used to show future action.
Use “will” to translate into English. The sign of the future tense in Latin is: -bo, -bi, or -bu in 1 and 2, -a or -e in 4 and 3.

17 First and Second Conjugations

18 Third and Fourth Conjugations

19 To form the perfect tense...
Remove -i from the third principle part to form perfect active stem. Add these personal endings for active: i -- imus isti -- istis it -- erunt

20 Perfect Active amavi amavimus amavisti amavistis amavit amaverunt

21 To form the perfect tense...
Put proper gender ending on fourth principle part according to gender of subject. (Singular: -us for masculine, -a for feminine, -um for neuter. Plural: -I for masculine, -ae for feminine, -a for neuter.) Use in conjunction with these forms of sum: sum sumus es estis est sunt

22 Perfect Passive

23 To form the pluperfect tense...
Remove -i from the third principle part to form perfect active stem. Add these personal endings for active: eram -- eramus eras -- eratis erat -- erant

24 Pluperfect Active

25 To form the pluperfect tense...
Put proper gender ending on fourth principle part according to gender of subject. (Singular: -us for masculine, -a for feminine, -um for neuter. Plural: -I for masculine, -ae for feminine, -a for neuter.) Use in conjunction with these forms of sum: eram eramus eras eratis erat erant

26 Pluperfect Passive

27 To form the future perfect tense...
Remove -i from the third principle part to form perfect active stem. Add these personal endings for active: ero -- erimus eris -- eritis erit -- erint

28 Future Perfect Active

29 To form the future perfect tense...
Put proper gender ending on fourth principle part according to gender of subject. (Singular: -us for masculine, -a for feminine, -um for neuter. Plural: -I for masculine, -ae for feminine, -a for neuter.) Use in conjunction with these forms of sum: ero erimus eris eritis erit erunt

30 Future Perfect Passive


32 To form the pluperfect tense passive
Put proper gender ending on fourth principle part according to gender of subject. (Singular: -us for masculine, -a for feminine, -um for neuter. Plural: -i for masculine, -ae for feminine, -a for neuter.) Add these forms of sum: eram eramus eras eratis erat erant


34 Pluperfect Passive

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