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Verbs Miss Johnson.

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1 Verbs Miss Johnson

2 Verbs Active: indicates that the subject of the verb is performing the action Passive: indicates that the subject is not performing the action and is therefore “passive”

3 Active Verbs Action State of Being

4 Practice: Active vs. State of Being
I like chocolate. The ice cream is good. The pizza sizzled. We devoured our burgers. You were baking a batch of cookies for your favorite English teacher.

5 Active Verbs Action Transitive Verbs: followed by an object indicating who or what receives the action Intransitive Verbs: not followed by an object A transitive verb can often serve as an intransitive verb when you simply delete the object

6 Action: Transitive vs. Intransitive
He fried the bacon. Miss Johnson baked. We bought corn on the cob at the fair. The marshmallow burned in the fire. The ice cream cone melted.

7 Active Verbs State of Being Be Verbs
Linking Verbs: can be replaced by a form of be without substantially changing the meaning of the sentence

8 Be Verbs and Linking Verbs
By themselves, they cannot complete the thought of the sentence. Whenever a be or linking verb is used as the main verb of the sentence, we must follow it with an adjective, a noun, or a pronoun

9 Be Verbs Past Tense Present Tense I am You are He/she/it is We are
They are I was You were He/she/it was We were They were

10 Be Verbs Perfect Aspect Progressive Aspect Present /Past
I have / had been You have / had been He/she/it has has been We have / had been They have / had been I am / was being You are / were being He/she/it is / was being We are / were being They are / were being

11 Linking Verbs Appear Remain Turn Grow Seem Tasted looked, Smelled
Sounded Felt Become Appear Remain Turn Grow Seem

12 State of Being: Be vs. Linking
The strawberry was sweet. The brownies tasted amazing. The honey smelled good. He is an amazing cook. Chocolate seems the best way to cure the presence of a dementor.

13 Verb Phrases When you see a verb phrase, the last word in the phrase determines whether you have an action or a state of being verb The MAIN VERB, not the auxiliaries, determines the category of the verb as a whole

14 Auxiliary Verbs Modals: shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, have to, had to, ought to Form of have: has, have, had Form of be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been Form of do: does, do, did

15 Practice We have been eating.
This enormous burger is being unreasonable. My tummy is feeling happy. My tummy is feeling all that food I ate. Perhaps I should eat one more cookie.

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