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2 Subject-Verb (S-V) The simplest form of an English sentence consists of two parts – a subject and an intransitive verb that convey a complete idea. The subject can be described as the component that performs the action. Usually in the form of noun or pronoun.

3 S-V (continue) The intransitive verb describes an action or a state of being. Examples of Subject-Verb sentences are: Susie shouts. Subject verb They laughed. He is standing.

4 Subject-Verb-Object (SVO)
This sentence pattern consists of subject (noun/pronoun), a verb and an object. The object refers to a person or a thing affected by the action performed by the subject. The following are the examples of S-V-O sentences: Salim drives a car. Subject verb object Kelly plays the guitar. They ate burgers. Subject verb object

5 Subject-Verb-Complement (SVC)
In S-V-C sentence, the component that comes after the verb provides more information about the subject, it serves to complete it, so it is called the complement or the subject complement. It comes after the verb, either a noun or an adjective. This sentence pattern uses a linking verb such as be (am, is, are, was, were, has been, are being, might have been, etc), become and seem.

6 SVC (continue) Other verbs that can be linking or action: appear, feel, grow, look, prove, remain, smell, sound, taste, and turn. Here are the examples of S-V-C sentences: She is lucky. Amanda looks tired. Abby doesn’t look happy. All of the students in the class are teachers.

7 Subject-Verb-Agreement (SVA)
Singular subject needs singular verb and plural subject needs plural verb. For examples: My brother is a technician. My sisters are teachers. Adam lives in Kota Bharu. Shamsul goes to the library.

8 SVA (continue) If the subject is an uncountable noun, use a singular verb. For examples: His hair is grey. The ocean looks blue. Sheep roam over the hills of New Zealand. The indefinite pronouns anyone, everyone, someone, no one, nobody are always singular and, therefore, require singular verbs. For examples: Everyone buys nasi lemak. One of my friends is not well. Each of the neighbours installs burglar alarm.

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