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Arthritis Katie Gerou.

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Presentation on theme: "Arthritis Katie Gerou."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arthritis Katie Gerou

2 What is Arthritis? Painful inflammation or stiffness of the joints
Osteoarthritis is articular cartilage degeneration due to normal wear and tear and a bone spur occurs. This effects 80% of aging Americans

3 What causes Arthritis? The causes of arthritis varies. It all depends on the type. Some causes include: Injury (which can lead to osteoarthritis), metabolic abnormalities (gout and pseudo gout), hereditary factors, the direct and indirect effect of infections, and a misdirected immune system with autoimmunity.

4 Symptoms and signs? Some symptoms include pain and a limited amount of function of the joints. Inflammation of joints is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness and warmth. The inflamed joint can also be tender. Many forms of arthritis can affect organs that aren’t directly involved with the joints. Which means that some patients can experience fever, gland swelling, weight loss, fatigue, feeling unwell and even symptoms from issues with organs such as the lungs, heart of kidneys

5 What is the treatment for Arthritis?
The treatment is dependent on the precise type of the present arthritis. Available treatments include anti-inflammatory meds, accupuncture, vitamins, and therapy. There is no known cure.

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