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Diseases and Disorders of the Skeletal System

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1 Diseases and Disorders of the Skeletal System

2 Herniated Discs(Slipped Discs)
rupture of fibrocartilage discs caused by compression forces occurs between L4 & L5 or L5 & 1st Sacral Vertebrae disc protrudes and exerts pressure on spinal nerves

3 Osteoarthritis degenerative joint disease associated with aging
Characteristics: degeneration of articular cartilage development of bone spurs usually effects large joints (knees, hips, etc)


5 Osteoporosis decrease in bone mass
Increase in susceptibility to fractures

6 Abnormal Curvatures of the Spine
Scoliosis = lateral curvature of the spine


8 Abnormal Curvatures of the Spine
Kyphosis = hunchback/humpback exaggeration of thoracic curvature 8


10 Abnormal Curvatures of the Spine
Lordosis = swayback exaggeration of lumbar curvature 10

11 Spina Bifida congenital defect usually involves the lumbar vertebrae
Symptoms mild to severe can be diagnosed during pregnancy by sonography, amniocentesis, blood tests


13 Classification of Bone Fractures
Closed (Simple) Fracture = bone does not break through skin Open (Compound) Fracture = bone ends break through skin Partial (Incomplete) Fracture = break does not completely transect bone (Greenstick Fracture) Complete Fracture = break transects bone &divides into two or more pieces

14 Bone Fractures Closed Reduction = re-alignment without surgical intervention Open Reduction = re-alignment by surgical procedures 14


16 FYI: Classification of Bone Fractures
Pott’s Fracture = fracture distal end of Fibula Colles’ Fracture = fracture of distal end of radius Stress Fracture = fracture due repeated stress usually caused by: training habits(Volume-Intensity-Duration) change in training surface 25% involve distal third of fibula

17 Sprains forcible wrenching or twisting of a joint
1st Degree Sprain = stretching of ligaments 2nd Degree Sprain = partial tearing of ligaments 3rd Degree Sprain = complete tear of ligaments


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