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SKELETAL SYSTEM Principles of Health Science

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1 SKELETAL SYSTEM Principles of Health Science
Dr. Halbert

2 Adult human has 206 bones

3 Functions Framework Protection Levers Production of blood cells
Storage of calcium

4 Parts of a long bone Diaphysis: long shaft
Epiphysis: two ends of the bone Medullary Canal: canal in the diaphysis Yellow marrow: fills the medullary canal, mainly fat cells Red marrow: produces blood cells Endosteum: membrane that lines the medullary canal Periosteum: membrane covering outside of bone, contains blood vessels and osteoblasts

5 Axial Skeleton Forms the main trunk of the body
Composed of skull, vertebral column, ribs, sternum

6 Appendicular Skeleton
Forms the extremities Composed of the shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, arms, legs

7 Cranium Spherical structure that surrounds and protects the brain
Frontal bone (1) Parietal bone (2) Temporal bone (2) Occipital bone (1)

8 Fontanels “soft spots”
Allows for enlargement of the skull as brain growth occurs

9 Sutures Areas where cranial bones have joined together

10 Sinuses Air spaces in the bones of the skull that act as resonating chambers for the voice

11 Foramina Openings in the bone that allow nerves and blood vessels to enter or leave the bone

12 Vertebrae Make up the spinal column There are 26 vertebrae

13 Ribs 12 pair Attach to thoracic vertebrae

14 True ribs First seven pair Attach directly to the sternum

15 False ribs The next 5 pair of ribs that do not attach to the sternum

16 Floating ribs The last two pair of false ribs that have no attachment to the front of the body

17 Sternum Breastbone Manubrium Gladiolus (body) Xiphoid process

18 Shoulder Girdle Clavicles: collarbone Scapula: shoulder bone

19 Arm bones Humerus: upper arm Radius: lower arm bone on thumb side
Ulna: larger bone of the forearm

20 Bones of wrist/hands Carpals: wrist bones
Metacarpals: palm of the hand Phalanges: fingers

21 Pelvic Girdle Os coxae: hip bones Ilium Ischium Pubis

22 Leg bones Femur: thigh bone Patella: kneecap Tibia & Fibula: lower leg

23 Ankle/Foot Bones Tarsals: ankle bones Metatarsals: instep of foot
Phalanges: toes

24 Joints Joints: Where 2 or more bones come together
Ligaments: connective tissue bands that help hold long bones together

25 Type of joints Diarthrosis: freely movable, example: knee, elbow
Amphiarthrosis: slightly movable, example: ribs to thoracic vertebrae Synarthrosis: immovable joint, example: cranium

26 Diseases Arthritis: inflammation of the joints
Bursitis: inflammation of the bursa Sprain: twisting action tears the ligaments at a joint Dislocation: when a bone is forcibly displaced from a joint

27 Other Diseases Osteomyelitis: bone inflammation usually caused by a pathogenic organism

28 Osteoporosis Softening of the bone caused by low calcium, hormone deficiency, sedentary lifestyle Prone to fractures

29 Ruptured disk Intervertebral disk ruptures or protrudes out of place and puts pressure on the spinal cord.

30 Abnormal curvatures of spine
Kyphosis: hunchback Lordosis: swayback Scoliosis: side to side curvature of the spine

31 Fractures Crack or break in a bone

32 Greenstick fracture When a bone is bent and split, causing an crack or incomplete break

33 Simple or closed fracture
Complete break of the bone without damage to the skin

34 Compound or open fracture
Bone breaks and ruptures through the skin, increasing the risk of infection

35 Comminuted fracture Bone fragments into more that two pieces

36 Spiral fracture Twists resulting in one or more fractures

37 Depressed fracture Broken piece of skull bone moves inward

38 Colles Caused by falling on an outstretched hand
Breaking and dislocation of the distal radius


40 Image Citations Slide 5: 1/7/06, skeltw2, Slide 8: 1/7/06, Delmar Learning’s Medical terminology Image Library, Second Edition. Version 1.0. ISBN: Slide 11: 1/7/06, Cranium, Slide 12: 1/7/06, Slide 13: 1/7/06, Normal skull of the newborn, ages/Skull1resize.gif Slide 14: 1/7/06, Sinusitis, s.jpg Slide 15: 1/7/06, Foramina, small.jpg Slide 17: 1/7/06, The Ribs,

41 Image Citations Slide 18 & 19: 1/7/06, True Ribs, /fronttrue.jpg Slide 20: 1/7/06, Floating Ribs, /backfloating.jpg Slide 21: 1/7/06, Slide 22: 1/7/06, ulder/clavicle.html Slide 23: 1/7/06, Bones of the arm, nesArm.jpg Slide 24: 1/7/06, Bone and Joint Structure, Slide 25: 1/7/06, Pelvis,

42 Image Citations Slide 26: 1/7/06, Slide 27: 1/7/06, Tarsal and metatarsal bones, Slide 31: 1/7/06, Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Humerus, Slide 32: 1/7/06, What is osteoporosis?, Slide 33: 1/7/06, Ruptured Disc, images/ruptured-mri-side.jpg Slide 34: 1/7/06, Slide 34: 1/7/06, Slide 34: 1/7/06, main.jpg Slide 37: 1/7/06, Closed fracture of the radius, Slide 38: 1/7/06, fracture, injury, medicine,

43 Image Citations Slide 40: 1/7/06, Spiral fracture of the femur, Slide 41: 1/7/06, Colles fracture, bones/colles-fracture.gif Slide 42: The Mammalian, Skeleton eleton.gif

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