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Bellwork: Collect COMP BOOK FROM RED CRATE OPEN TO NEXT BLANK PAGE IN COMP BOOK WRITE THE FOLLOWING: 6.7 Recognize time designations and the abbreviations.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Collect COMP BOOK FROM RED CRATE OPEN TO NEXT BLANK PAGE IN COMP BOOK WRITE THE FOLLOWING: 6.7 Recognize time designations and the abbreviations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bellwork: Collect COMP BOOK FROM RED CRATE OPEN TO NEXT BLANK PAGE IN COMP BOOK WRITE THE FOLLOWING: 6.7 Recognize time designations and the abbreviations of B.C., B.C.E, A. D., C.E, decades, centuries, prehistoric, historic.

3 1st Step: Circle all clue words
Remember: Clue words are words that you may need to know the definition or just need a reminder of what the word means. You have 15 seconds.

4 Second Step: Write down everything you know about this subject for 1 minute

5 If any of these questions fits you, write them down…

6 Let’s quickly define clue words
Time Designations B.C. B.C.E specific or particular eras of time. Before Christ Before Common Era

7 about or around. Uses the abbreviations of c, or ca.
More Definitions A. D. C. E. circa Anno Domini Common Era about or around. Uses the abbreviations of c, or ca.

8 More definitions decades centuries A period of 10 years
Prehistoric/historic A period of 10 years A period of 100 years Prehistoric – time before writing Historic - happening or existing in the past

9 TIMELINE REVIEW *Together we will review the following slides to learn more about Time Dating & Timelines. * Then we will create a timeline of our lives.

10 Timelines Timelines are used to organize dates and information in the order in which they happen from beginning to end beginning End Middle

11 Timelines Horizontal Timeline From left to right More recent dates
Oldest dates More recent dates Horizontal Timeline From left to right

12 Timelines Vertical timelines From top to bottom oldest dates
More recent dates

13 Visual graphic of time dating
500 BC 500 AD 250 BC 250AD BC, BCE count down to the birth of Christ AD, CE count up from the birth of Christ The Birth of Jesus

14 timelines and number lines
What similarities do you recognize between the number line and the timeline? What differences do you recognize? -400 -300 -200 -100 100 200 300 400 400BC 300BC 200BC 100 BC 100 200 300 400

15 Parallel Timelines used to show significant events around the world that are occurring at the same time. Mesopotamia Egypt 5000 BC 2500BC India China

16 Summary: BC / BCE counts down to year 1 AD / CE counts up from year 1
Ex… 2000BC, 1500BC, 1000BC,500 BC, 1BC AD / CE counts up from year 1 Ex… 1, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 **Dates in AD/CE do not have the initials by them

17 Progress Check: 2500 BC 1500 BC What type of timeline is this? Horizontal or Vertical How many years does this timeline cover? Is this before the birth of Christ? What is the alternative (another name) to BC?

18 Hinduism appears in India
1250 BC/BCE Siddhartha Gautama is born, founder of Buddhism 500 BC/BCE 1 Jesus is born, founder of Christianity The Prophet Muhammad is born, founder of Islam AD/ CE 700

19 Hinduism appears in India
1250BC Siddhartha Gautama is born, founder of Buddhism 500BC 1 Jesus is born, founder of Christianity The Prophet Muhammad is born, founder of Islam 700 Which of these is the oldest religion? Which event took place during the CE /AD? What would be an appropriate title for this timeline?

20 Putting Dates in Order from oldest to most recent
CE 758 , 600 BCE, BC, AD 100 600 BCE, 400 BC, AD 100, CE 758 1, 500, 500 BC, AD 542 500 BC, 1, 500, AD 542 3) BCE, 4567, 789 BC, CE 1234 3456 BCE, 789 BC, CE1234, 4567 673 BC, BCE, 2016, AD 1974 7000 BCE, 673 BC, AD 1974, 2016

Open composition book to blank page. Write the following at top of the page: TIMELINE OF MY LIFE 3. Choose 6 events in your life that you will use to create a timeline. You must include date and event. Examples: Birthdate, Sister/Brothers Birthday, Day your started Oakland Middle School.


23 TIMELINE OF MY LIFE May 28, 1987 Birthdate December 1992
1st Trip to Disney World May 20, 2005 Graduated High School August 1991 1st Day of Kindergarten August 1998 1st Day of Middle School December 2010 Graduated College

24 Human Timeline Activity Everyone Standup Get a card from teacher:
DON’T LET ANYONE SEE YOUR CARD 3. You have two minutes to create a timeline with the dates on the cards. Oldest Date-Most Recent

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