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Using Timelines to Understand History

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Presentation on theme: "Using Timelines to Understand History"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Timelines to Understand History

2 The Gregorian Calendar
Invented by the Romans. Improved by Pope Gregory XIII – he added Leap Year. Events are relative the date that Christians believed Jesus was born.

3 Other Calendars It is currently the year:
2015 on the Christian calendar 5775 on the Hebrew calendar 1436 AH on the Islamic calendar Year of the Sheep on the Chinese calendar

4 The Gregorian Calendar
BC = “Before Christ” AD = “Anno Domini” No, it does not mean “after death”. Latin meaning: “the year of our lord”. This year is 2014 years since Christians believe Jesus was born.

5 The New System BCE means “Before the Common Era” CE means “Common Era”
44 BCE = 44 BC CE means “Common Era” 2013 CE = 2013 AD

6 Similar to Number Lines
-2 -1 1 2 Point out: 1 BCE comes after 2 BCE. 1 CE 2 BCE 1 BCE 2 CE 3 CE

7 Relative Time YA = “years ago” Dinosaurs died out 65 million YA
Earliest humans: 4 million YA

8 Rough Estimates of Dates
Ca. = circa = “around the time of” Remember: circa sounds like “circle” which is round. First stone tools were made ca. 2 million years ago.

9 Watch the video and answer the question at the end.

10 Class Definition The study of the past.
Key words: documents, people, pictures, timelines…

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