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Finding the difference between BC and AD

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1 Finding the difference between BC and AD
Reading a Timeline Finding the difference between BC and AD

2 The Calendar Calendar used today is the Gregorian Calendar
Based on the central Christian figure Christ

3 B.C. Stands for “Before Christ”
The larger the number, the earlier the date For example, 800 B.C. is earlier than 300 B.C.

4 A.D. Stands for “Anno Domini”, which means “In the year of the Lord”
The time after the Christ was born The smaller the number, the earlier in time For example, 200 A.D. is earlier than 700 A.D. Today would be considered A.D.

5 B.C. and B.C.E B.C. and B.C.E. are interchangeable (they relate to the same period of time) B.C.E. stands for “before common era” B.C.E. does not relate to a religion, so it has become more common today For example, 700 B.C. is the same year as 700 B.C.E.


7 A.D. and C.E. A.D. and C.E. are interchangeable (they relate to the same period of time) C.E. stands for “Common Era”, which is today For example, 1999 A.D. is the same as 1999 C.E. ***Be careful not to confuse B.C.E. and C.E.

8 Putting it all together
Place the following dates on a timeline: 323 B.C. Alexander the Great built his empire from Greece to India 622 A.D. The birth of Islam 476 A.D. Romulus Augustus was taken prisoner of the German King, ending the Roman Empire 4 B.C. Jesus Christ was born 44 B.C. Julius Caesar was assassinated

9 The Timeline 44 B.C. Julius Caesar is assasinated
323 B.C. Alexander the Great builds his empire 44 B.C. Julius Caesar is assasinated 4 B.C. Christ is born 622 A.D. The Birth of Islam 476 A.D. Romulus Augustus was taken prisoner of the German King, ending the Roman Empire

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